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21、 dog tired 特别累、同义:run down. worn out. out of steam

I’m dog tired these days. I’m working on seven articles.

22、 down jacket 羽绒服

23、drive somebody up the wall 让某人发疯;同义:drive somebody out of one’s mind

The sound of all that raffic is driving me out of my mind.

24、 fall back on 依赖

A: Were you able to understand that French novel without any help from theteacher?

B: I did pretty well, but I had to fall back on my dictionary occasionally.

25、 fill a prescription 按处方抓药

Would you please fill this prescription for me?

26、 fill in for 代替; 同义:fill one’s place(position, shoes). take the place of. take over Say,

Dave, can you fill in for me tonight at the restaurant? I’d like to go out of town.

27、food for thought 令人思考的东西;同义:thought-provoking

There is a lot food for thought in what he had to say.

28、for nothing 免费

To pay to see that movie would be foolish, when you can see it on TV for nothing.

29、from top to bottom 从上到下

A: Maybe you lost your walletin this room.

B: I’ve searched it from top to bottom..

30、 get of on the wrong foot 开始事情就做错了

I got off on the wrong foot, and I don’t have any idea which way to turn now.

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