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关键词汇:Lecture, tutorial, seminar, presentation etc.
而一般来讲,这些讨论会以lecture/report, tutorial、seminar、presentation等形式展开。
Instruction: Dr. Linda Graycar who is from the City Institute for the Blind is talking about the system of writing for the blind known as Braille.
1. What can the combined dots represent?
A both letters and words
B only individual words
C only letters of the alphabet
2. What is unusual about the way Braille is written?
A It can only be written using a machine.
B The texts have to be read backwards.
C Handwritten Braille is created in reverse.
Dr. Graycar: Well, it's a system of touch reading which uses an arrangement of raised dots called a cell. Braille numbered the dot positions 1-2-3 downward on the lt and 4-5-6 downward on the right, The letters of the alphabet are then formed by using different combinations of these dots.
Student: So is the writing system based on the alphabet with each word being individually spelt out?
Dr. Graycar: Well ... it's not quite that simple, I'm afraid! For instance, the first 10 letters of the alphabet are Formed using dots 1, 2, 4 and 5. But Braille also has its own short forms for common words. For example, 'b' for the word 'but' and 'h' for 'have' – there are many other contractions like this.
Student: Can it be written by hand or do you need a machine to produce Braille?
Dr. Graycar: Well, you can write it by hand on to paper with a device called a slate and stylus but the trick is that you have to write backwards . . . e.g. from right to lt so that then when you turn your sheet over, the dots face upwards and can be read like English from lt to right.
【范例分析】: 范例是一位教授介绍一种盲文体。在教授的演讲中,会有学生不间断的提出一些问题,很多时候,在讲座中穿插的一些问题即考点所在。提醒考生,在lecture或report过程中,有提问就会有考点!
【范例答案】: 1. A
2. C
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲