


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:142 移动端


The bar charts below give information about the railway system in six cities in Europe.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample Answer:

The given bar charts show data on the railways and the number of passengers of those railways of six European cities. As is presented in the bar graphs, Paris railway is the oldest among the given six railways and it has the longest route. On the other hand, Lisbon railway is the busiest railroad which is used by more than 1900 million of passenger per year.

According to the bar graph, Paris railway system was established in 1863 which is the oldest among the given six cities. It has the largest route as well which is more than 390 km. Stockholm has the second largest route with about 200 km and was established in the year 1900. Lisbon is another old railway system that was built in 1927 with more than 150 km of route. Rome, Madrid and Berlin railways systems were built after 1970 and among these three, Berlin is the latest railway system that was built in 2001 and Madrid has the smallest railway route with only 11 km.

Again, Lisbon railway is used by more than 1900 million of passengers per years which makes it the busiest railway among the given six rail-stations. Stockholm and Paris has two other busy railway systems which are used by 1191 million and 775 million of passenger each year. Finally, the Rome, Madrid and Berlin railways are used by comparatively fewer passengers which are less than 100 million per year compared to the three other railway systems.

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