您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 托福听力不容忽视的5大信号词
(1) 开头和结尾原则
Next I would like to / Following this lecture / to end my lecture / to wrap up my lecture
to wind up my lecture / to put the finishing touch on my lecture
(2) 原因原则
原因 because/cause/for /since /thanks to/due to/attributed to/the reason…is…
结果 so/therore/thus/consequently/as a result/that’s why…
因果 factor /contribute to /accordingly /thus /motivation /incentive
(3) 转折原则
but / however / nevertheless / nonetheless / while / in fact / still / yet
unluckily / unfortunately / on the other hand / to tell you the truth / to be frank
honest / although / though / even if / even though
(4) 强调原则
A. 语气强调——重读/停顿/口误/口吃等
B. 语义强调
绝对词 now / remember / surprise / only / must / absolutely
重要 important / fatal / vital / essential / basic / fundamental / interesting
necessary / crucial / critical / significant
特别 especially / special feature / you must bear in mind that / keep in mind that
主要 main /primary /key /major /principle /nuclear /cardinal
基本 basic /fundamental /rudimental /original /initial
其他 first / last / also / bore / after / by / a new theory
What I mean is / What I want you to do is
C. 比较强调——比较级/最高级/ compared to / in comparison
D. 结论强调
in conclusion / to conclude / in a word / all in all / last but not the least / to sum up
E. 举例强调
for example/ instance / such as / like / need / include / involve
to demonstrate / illustrate / to give you a clearer idea / picture.
(5) 解释原则-下定义
this is to say / in other words / which means / are known / called / rerred to
recognized / dined as
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲