


2017/07/10 10:10:09 编辑: 浏览次数:77 移动端


1. Do you usually do any housework?

Well, I live alone, so I need to do all the chores by myself to keep my room clean and tidy. I sweep the floor every night, no matter how tired I am on that day. Also, I often do the laundry on Saturday and do some grocery shopping on Sunday.


2. Do you like to do housework?

Sure, I’m a tidy person and I love to keep everything in apple-pie order, so I have a rigid routine to do my household chores. Actually, I usually spend my Saturday afternoon finishing all the cleanings, including mopping the floor and cleaning the windows to keep my home in the best shape.


3. What housework do you least like doing?

Actually, I hate wiping the tub, it takes plenty of time for me to finish washing it. It takes up all my energy to clean the tap, tub mat, and water pipes. Sometimes I really don’t know why my parents always want to take a bath instead of a shower!


4. Do you think it’s important for children to do some housework?

I guess, yes, doing household chores, like make their own bed, keep their toys in order can help kids learn to be a responsible person. It’s really a good start for them to do a task, and then change to be a habit of a lifetime. 我想是的,做家务,例如自己铺床,整理玩具等等可以帮助孩子们变成一个有责任感的人。从做一件小事,慢慢变为一生的好习惯,这是个不错的开始。

5. Have there been any changes in the housework people do?

Well, thanks for the advancement of technology, there’re more household gadgets, like the vacuum cleaner, micro-oven and so on to make housework become an easier task than it used to be decades ago.


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