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1. What do you think of teachers?

Teachers normally serve as role models, because students and young children are likely to imitate their behaviour. So, teachers should have high moral standards. Moreover, elementary school teachers should be patient enough, because these students are naughty and lack self-discipline.


2. Did you (do you) like your high school teachers?

I love my teacher, well I think, I can say she is a qualified teacher that she not only provides instruction in literacy and numeracy, but also teaches us the arts and life skills. Well, overall, we can learn both academic knowledge and extracurricular experiences in her class.


3. Do you think it’s important to like your teachers?

Well, I think, it’s quite important. In fact, teachers have huge influence on how students perceive the course materials. Students who love their teachers show great enthusiasm towards the course and have positive attitude.


4. Do school students in China like their teachers?

Nope, they don’t. Teachers are normally expected to act a substitute parents rather that friends. Plus, teachers often inflict corporal punishment as a form of school discipline to those students who disobey the rules.


5. Do you think there are any benits from teachers being strict with students?

Um… no, I think, being too strict would cause detrimental fects on students. They may get discouraged by the criticism and have no passion or interest to continue their study. Consequently, they have no confidence to face the challenges of study and life in the future.


6. What qualities should a good teacher have?

Well, becoming a qualified teacher requires compassion, dedication, hard work and a lot of patience, especially when teaching in an elementary school. Teacher should have the ability to explain new concepts and frequently communicate and interact with parents, teachers and students.


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