本文给大家带来了雅思口语Part1问题及回答模板之Natural Places自然景观篇。雅思口语Part1相对比较生活化,不需要太难的词汇及语法,重在考察同学们的英语沟通方式。
1. Do you like the country life?
No. I’m a city girl (boy). I don’t think I will survive even one night on the countryside. It’s too quiet, too dirty, and too tacky… I’m sure it will drive me nuts.
2. Do you like visiting natural places?
Yes. Visiting beautiful places has been one among the many factors that helps an individual to get relaxed from the tiring urban life.
3. Have you ever gone camping?
I camped alone for a couple of nights in the Yellowstone last year. I had one small lake that was my favourite. It had a tiny barren island in the middle where I would set up camp. It was absolutely marvelous.
4. Would you ever consider living in a place such as in the mountains?
Yes. I personally think people in the cities have bad relationship with neighbours. They are impolite, aloof and most of them do not even know the name of the next-door. I want to get away from the city life and live in a mountain.
5. Do you like to do outdoor activities?
Yes. I like anything and everything you could think of to do outside with the exception of fishing. I don’t have the patience to sit there that long with a stick.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲