

获中国教育部认可South Dakota州美国大学名单

2017/07/07 15:07:59 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:403 移动端

获中国教育部认可South Dakota州美国大学名单

Augustana College (Sioux Falls)

Black Hills Beauty College (Rapid City)

Black Hills State University (Spearfish)

Dakota State University (Madison)

Dakota Wesleyan University (Mitchell)

Headlines Academy, Inc. (Rapid City)

Kilian Community College (Sioux Falls)

Lake Area Technical Institute (Watertown)

Leadership Training Institute (Sioux Falls)

Mitchell Technical Institute (Mitchell)

Mount Marty College (Yankton)

National American University (Rapid City)

North American Baptist Seminary (Sioux Falls)

Northern State University (Aberdeen)

Oglala Lakota College (Kyle)

Presentation College (Aberdeen)

Si Tanka/Huron University (Eagle Butte)

Sinte Gleska University (Mission)

Sisseton Wahpeton College (Sisseton)

South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (Rapid City)

South Dakota State University (Brookings)

Southeast Technical Institute (Sioux Falls)

University of Sioux Falls (Sioux Falls)

University of South Dakota (Vermillion)

Western Dakota Technical Institute (Rapid City)

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