

高考后留学 美国伊利诺理工大学

2017/07/07 14:44:29 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:370 移动端



Add/地址: 3300 South Federal Street, Chicago, IL 60616-3793

Tel/电话: +1-312 567.3000

Website: ;

美国伊利诺理工大学 (IIT)始创于 1890年,荣居全美 100强之列,并获 “最具价值大学 ”之殊荣,是一所是实力雄厚的研究型综合大学。IIT坐落于芝加哥,是美国知名的三大理工院校之一。作为全美最有优秀大学之一,IIT拥有所有相关专业的最权威认证,同时也是教育首批认可的国外院校之一。



Accredited by: North Central Association, NCA ;Association of Independent Technological Universities ;Engineering Accreditation Comm. and the Computing Accreditation Comm. of the Accreditation Board for Engineerin

Academic level: University;

Main fields of study: Engineering; Science; Architecture; Industrial Design; Law; Business; Psychology;Food safty

Year of founding: 1890

Language of instruction: English

Number of Int'l students: within 30%

Total number of students: 7500+

Degrees offered: BA; BSc; MA; MSc; PhD.

Tuition fees: Undergraduate: $35,800/per year, Engineering, Science graduate: $1056/per credit hour, Stuart Graduate: $1488/ credit hour

Accommodation: 9 residence halls and 4 apartment buildings

Starting date: January/August, Archtecture only open for fall semester

Application deadline: UG:Spring-Nov 1; Fall-May 15. G: Spring-Oct 15; Fall-May 1

Financial aid: Yes

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