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IMMUNOLOGIST. Department of Microbiology and Medical Zoology, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico, invites applications for a tenure-tract appointment (12 months/year) at the rank of Assistant Professor. Anticipated starting date: August 1, 2015. The applicant must have a Ph.D., or an equivalent degree, in Immunology, postdoctoral experience and a research interest in Immunology demonstrated by publications in peer-review journals. The selected candidate will be required to establish and maintain a vigorous, externally-funded research program and participate in teaching of Graduate and students of the Health Sciences: Medical, Dental, Pharmacy and Medical Technology. Ability to adapt and be productive in different cultural settings and knowledge of Spanish are dinite assets.


波多黎哥大学(University of Puerto Rico)是波多黎哥最主要的高等教育机构,它也是美国最主要西裔服务高校之一。作为一所公立大学,自1903年以来,波多黎哥大学(University of Puerto Rico)一直致力于提供不同领域的高中后教育课程。在整个波多黎哥岛分别设有11个校区,遍布在波多黎哥自由邦各地区,其中石河分校最大(可容纳15000名学生),其它校区为中等规模(可容纳2000至15000名学生)每个校区都获得了美国中部诸州高等院校协会(Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools)的认可,这就是说波多黎多大学颁发的学位证书获得了美国研究生院校的认可。

波多黎哥大学(University of Puerto Rico)可提供各种学术课程(从准学位到博士学位),几乎囊括了所有专业领域如自然与社会科学、人文科学、教育、建筑、商务与工程学 由于其多校区制度,波多黎哥大学(University of Puerto Rico)可提供300个准学位及学士学位课程,128个硕士课程以及27个博士课程。学生与教师的比例是20:1。

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