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The Master of Arts and Master of Science degree programs are for the student who has research interests in education. The candidate often enters these programs with the intent of eventually pursuing a doctoral program leading to the Ed.D. or Ph.D. degree. The major difference between these degrees and the Ed.M. is the requirement that a master's thesis be completed and dended as part of the M.A. or M.S. degree.(伊利诺伊厄本那香槟分校)
对教育研究感兴趣的同学可以申请MA和MS的学位,大部分申请这两个学位的学生的目标是进入博士学位的学习。MA/MS 学位和Ed.M.学位的区别在于,Ed.M.的申请需要一篇硕士论文,而该论文可以在MA和MS学位完成。
The M.S. degree, requiring a minimum of 8 course units is designed for those who are preparing for advanced graduate study.(宾夕法尼亚大学)
The Master of Education degree program is designed to meet the academic and professional interests of a person working in the educational field (e.g., a teacher, counselor, administrator, or curriculum specialist). (伊利诺伊厄本那香槟分校)MED学位是要满足个人在教育领域(教师、咨询师、管理者等)的学术和职业需求。
The M.S.Ed., requiring a minimum of 10 course units, is appropriate for advancing your career in education and many other fields. (宾夕法尼亚大学)M.S.Ed.学位适合于想要在教育和其他领域职业生涯进行高级学习的人士。
Master of Arts in Teaching Degrees provide individuals with great opportunities working with toddlers, children, young adults, and adults in daycare centers, schools, and colleges everywhere. It is through these degrees that professionals acquire the advanced skills in leadership, teaching strategies, student management, math, science, languages, history, and other areas that enable them to help others enhance their educations.()
MAT学位为个人提供如下的工作机会:在托儿所、中小学以及学校等地方工作。通过MAT 学位的学习,学生获得领导力、教学策略、学生管理、数学、科学、语言、历史等知识提升自己的教学能力。
The Doctor of Education degree program is designed to provide students with advanced professional training and to further develop their abilities in the scholarly study of professional problems. (伊利诺伊厄本那香槟分校)教育学博士学位的目的是提升学生的职业素养以及进一步开发其解决职业学术问题的能力。
The Doctor of Philosophy Degree program is planned by the student with the advisor to develop the student's ability to conduct research in a specialized field of education. (伊利诺伊厄本那香槟分校)哲学博士学位是让学生在指导老师带领下对教育学某一领域进行专业的研究。
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