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  US News 2015 Liberal Arts Colleges # 1 威廉姆斯学院

  US News 2015 National Universities # 15 康奈尔大学

  毕业学校:International School in Shanghai

  GPA: 3.6



  SAT II SAT 科目考试:MATH II 770

  AP:Chinese language and culture:5

  Activities 课外活动:

  Track and field Sprinting Group Leader-Upcoming Captain 田径短跑组组长,即将晋升为队长

  BetterChina100k, Founder & President 创始人与主席

  AMIS Honors Choir AMIS荣誉合唱团

  Tennis Doubles/Mixs Doubles 1 - Champion 双人网球、混合双打-冠军

  Basketball Freshman Captain - JV & Varsity Member 新生篮球队队长-校队成员

  AMIS Jazz Choir AMIS爵士合唱团

  Worship Team Leader

  Amazing Grace Shelter, Volunteer

  Fullbridge Business Program, Fullbridgian赋桥商业领导力项目

  UnderArmour Ambassador

  Personal Statement 个人陈述:

  R focused on his dedication and commitment to track. R described a specific race to show the level of professionalism and training he gave to the sport throughout his high school career. Using this to speak about his discipline and passion in general, R portrayed a well-rounded profile.


  Counselor’s comments 顾问评语:

  R had the biggest heart of any student we’ve worked with. His care for and interest in those around him shone through the big smile and warm greetings he showered on any he met. Allowing this heart and genuine interest in his friends, family and community to shine through in his essays and applications is what we focused on achieving. R often allowed the stress of school, parental expectations, or personal goals cloud the joy and enthusiasm he so naturally possessed. Coaching him to adopt better study habits, implement time management skills and embrace his strengths set the stage for painting this portrait in his applications. He further recognized and embraced these strengths through the development and execution of his business project, BetterChina100k, in which he raised over 200,000RMB to fund start-up companies focused on social entrepreneurship in China. His smile was never bigger nor brighter than when he received his acceptance letter from Cornell, which he had feared would elude him due to inconsistencies in grades and lower than hoped test scores. R thanked us again and again for believing in him and thereby challenging him to believe in himself.

  R同学是目前我遇到的少有的胸怀宽广的人。透过他灿烂的笑容和热情周到的问候, 我们能感受到他对周围人的关注与关心。真诚待人,关心他人,体现在他的申请材料中的对家庭和社区的关注正是我们一直致力于达成的目标。R天生乐观积极,但有时候迫于学业的压力、家人过高的期待、 以及自身的期许,R的心情和热情难免受到打击。通过学习新的学习习惯,掌握时间管理技巧并且利用自身优势, R在申请文书中刻画了一个完整和优秀的自己。通过策划和执行BetterChina100k这个项目,R进一步了解和运用了上面所学的知识,并最终募集到了20万人民币,用于支持中国那些具有创业精神刚刚起步的公司。R曾担心学业成绩的起伏和没有达到自己期待水平的标准化考试成绩影响到Cornell的录取, 所以当收到Cornell的录取通知时,R 高兴的无以言表。 R再三感谢我们给予他的信任和督促,促使他不断进步。

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