


2017/07/06 21:02:49 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:433 移动端

  欢迎访问澳际教育美国留学 欢迎咨询澳际教育留学顾问

U.S. News Rank School 中文名字 Tuition and Fees Total Enrollment
#1 Williams College 威廉姆斯学院 $48,310 2,131
Overall Score: 100 out of 100. Williamstown, MA  
#2 Amherst College 安默斯特学院 $48,526 1,785
Overall Score: 96 out of 100. Amherst, MA  
#3 Swarthmore College 斯沃斯莫尔学院 $46,060 1,534
Overall Score: 94 out of 100. Swarthmore, PA  
#4 Wellesley College 卫尔斯利学院 $45,078 2,474
Overall Score: 93 out of 100. Wellesley, MA  
#5 Bowdoin College 鲍登学院 $46,808 1,795
Overall Score: 92 out of 100. Brunswick, ME  
#5 Pomona College 波莫纳学院 $45,832 1,612
Overall Score: 92 out of 100. Claremont, CA  
#7 Middlebury College 明德学院 $46,044 2,495
Overall Score: 91 out of 100. Middlebury, VT  
#8 Carleton College 卡尔顿学院 $47,736 2,045
Overall Score: 90 out of 100. Northfield, MN  
#8 Claremont McKenna College 卡莱门麦肯纳学院 $47,395 1,328
Overall Score: 90 out of 100. Claremont, CA  
#8 Haverford College 哈维福德学院 $47,214 1,187
Overall Score: 90 out of 100. Haverford, PA  
#11 Davidson College 戴维逊学院 $45,377 1,788
Overall Score: 88 out of 100. Davidson, NC  
#11 Vassar College 瓦萨尔学院 $49,570 2,477
Overall Score: 88 out of 100. Poughkeepsie, NY  
#13 United States Naval Academy 美国海军学院 $0 4,526
Overall Score: 87 out of 100. Annapolis, MD  
#14 Washington and Lee University 华盛顿李大学 $45,617 2,277
Overall Score: 86 out of 100. Lexington, VA  
#15 Colby College 科尔比学院 $47,350 1,820
Overall Score: 85 out of 100. Waterville, ME  
#15 Hamilton College 汉米尔顿学院 $47,820 1,926
Overall Score: 85 out of 100. Clinton, NY  
#15 Harvey Mudd College 哈维玛德学院 $48,594 807
Overall Score: 85 out of 100. Claremont, CA  
#15 Wesleyan University 卫斯里安学院 $47,972 3,205
Overall Score: 85 out of 100. Middletown, CT  
#19 Bates College 贝茨学院 $45,650 1,791
Overall Score: 84 out of 100. Lewiston, ME  
#19 Grinnell College 格林奈尔学院 $45,620 1,721
Overall Score: 84 out of 100. Grinnell, IA  
#19 Smith College 史密斯女子学院 $44,724 3,033
Overall Score: 84 out of 100. Northampton, MA  
#22 Colgate University 科尔盖特大学 $48,175 2,900
Overall Score: 83 out of 100. Hamilton, NY  
#23 Oberlin College 欧柏林学院 $48,682 2,911
Overall Score: 82 out of 100. Oberlin, OH  
#24 Macalester College 麦卡利斯特学院 $47,195 2,039
Overall Score: 81 out of 100. St. Paul, MN  
#24 Scripps College 斯克利普斯学院 $47,378 1,009
Overall Score: 81 out of 100. Claremont, CA  
#24 United States Military Academy 西点军校 $0 4,591
Overall Score: 81 out of 100. West Point, NY  
#27 Bryn Mawr College 布林茅尔学院 $45,540 1,738
Overall Score: 80 out of 100. Bryn Mawr, PA  
#27 Colorado College 科罗拉多学院 $46,410 2,060
Overall Score: 80 out of 100. Colorado Springs, CO  
#27 United States Air Force Academy 美国空军学院 $0 3,993
Overall Score: 80 out of 100. USAF Academy, CO  
#30 Kenyon College 肯尼恩学院 $47,330 1,705
Overall Score: 79 out of 100. Gambier, OH  
#30 University of Richmond 瑞奇蒙大学 $46,680 3,531
Overall Score: 79 out of 100. Univ. of Richmond, VA  
#32 Barnard College 巴纳德学院 $46,040 2,489
Overall Score: 78 out of 100. New York, NY  
#32 Bucknell University 巴克内尔学院 $48,498 3,608
Overall Score: 78 out of 100. Lewisburg, PA  
#34 College of the Holy Cross 圣十字学院 $45,692 2,912
Overall Score: 76 out of 100. Worcester, MA  
#35 Lafayette College 拉法耶特学院 $45,635 2,486
Overall Score: 75 out of 100. Easton, PA  
#35 Pitzer College 匹兹学院 $46,992 1,081
Overall Score: 75 out of 100. Claremont, CA  
#37 Dickinson College 迪金森学院 $47,692 2,494
Overall Score: 74 out of 100. Carlisle, PA  
#37 Franklin and Marshall College 富兰克林与马歇尔学院 $48,514 2,297
Overall Score: 74 out of 100. Lancaster, PA  
#37 Skidmore College 斯基德莫尔学院 $47,314 2,702
Overall Score: 74 out of 100. Saratoga Springs, NY  
#37 Whitman College 惠特曼学院 $44,800 1,541
Overall Score: 74 out of 100. Walla Walla, WA  
#41 Mount Holyoke College 曼荷莲女子学院 $42,656 2,251
Overall Score: 73 out of 100. South hadley,MA  
#41 Soka University of America 创价大学 $30,214 412
Overall Score: 73 out of 100. Aliso Viejo, CA  
#41 Union College 美国联合学院 $48,384 2,246
Overall Score: 73 out of 100. Schenectady, NY  
#44 Occidental College 西方学院 $47,522 2,128
Overall Score: 72 out of 100. Los Angeles, CA  
#45 Bard College 巴德学院 $48,240 2,278
Overall Score: 71 out of 100. Annandale on Hudson, NY  
#45 Centre College 森特学院 $37,100 1,381
Overall Score: 71 out of 100. Danville, KY  
#45 Connecticut College 康涅狄格学院 $47,740 1,922
Overall Score: 71 out of 100. New London, CT  
#45 Sewanee—​University of the South 西沃恩南方大学 $37,100 1,701
Overall Score: 71 out of 100. Sewanee, TN  
#45 Trinity College 三一学院 $49,056 2,422
Overall Score: 71 out of 100. Hartford, CT  
#50 Gettysburg College 盖茨堡学院 $47,480 2,533
Overall Score: 70 out of 100. Gettysburg, PA  

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