


2017/07/06 16:53:12 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:265 移动端

  欢迎访问澳际教育英国留学 欢迎咨询澳际教育留学顾问


“From May 7, if you apply for a Tier 4 student visa you may have to sit a short interview when you attend the visa application centre to submit your application and biometric information.

The interview will focus on your reasons for coming to the UK; this is known as a credibility interview.

A report of the interview will be sent to the visa officer who will consider it alongside your visa application and supporting documents. You may be called for a further interview if the visa officer needs more information.”

“自5月7日期,如果您申请Tier 4的学生签证,您将有可能在提交签证申请材料和生物信息时被要求参加一个简短的面试。该面试将主要针对您的赴英原因进行一个可信度调查。之后一份关于次面试的报告会被提交到签证官手中作为您签证申请材料的一部分。如果签证官需要更多信息,您会被要求参加另一场面试。”


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