


2017/07/06 14:57:56 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:55 移动端
Keep doors locked, even if you are away for only a few minutes. An unlocked door at night, and particularly during the day, can be an invitation to trouble. 切记, 即使你只是外出几分钟, 也要锁门. 而尤其那些白天锁着的门, 在晚上没有锁, 会让你限于严重的麻烦.(说白了, 不管你在屋里还是不在屋里, 都要锁门. )
Remember that most losses occur during the day. Residence doors have peepholes that should be used bore permitting entry to anyone. 切记大部分损失都发生在白天. 宿舍的门上基本上都有猫眼(窥视孔, 因为这篇东西同样来自于UPenn, UPenn的学生宿舍都有这东西, 但是不代表所有学校都有, 但是大部分学校的宿舍都有), 在允许任何人进来前, 都要通过它确认外面的是谁.
If the peephole is broken or missing, notify the receptionist and make a request for service. 如果你的猫眼损坏活丢失, 一定要及时联系相关人员维修.
Keep an accurate inventory of your possessions. 把你的贵重物品存放在安全的地方.
If you return to your residence and suspect that it has been entered illegally, do not enter. Call University Police, at 511 or (215) 573-3333. Always keep your keys in your possession. Never place them under mats, over doors, or in any other obvious hiding places. 当你回到住处时, 你怀疑住处被非法入侵了, 那么不要进入, 并第一时间报警. 一定要保证你的钥匙一直在你自己身边. 不要把钥匙放在门垫下面, 门上, 或者藏在其他地方. (大家不要被经常看的美国电影迷惑了, 电影中经常会有男女主人公把钥匙藏在门外, 这是相当危险的事情, 电影就是电影跟现实无关. )
If someone you don t know calls for permission to enter your residence, do not permit entry. If someone you don t know tries to enter a building behind you or asks to go past the security checkpoint with you for any reason, respond with an emphatic NO! . By using good judgment, you can help ensure your own safety and that of others. 如果有你不认识的人打电话给你并请求进入你的住处, 直接拒绝. 如果有你不认识的人正在尝试进入你的宿舍, 无论任何原因,都不要让他跟你一起通过安全检查, 你需要做的就是直接拒绝他. 通过准确的判断, 你不仅可以帮助自己保证安全, 还可以保证其他人的安全,我为人人,人人为我.
If you observe suspicious behavior in a corridor or lounge, or if someone knocks on your door to solicit, call the reception desk or University Police. 如果你在走廊或休息室里发现可疑的事, 或者有人敲你的门寻求帮助, 直接打电话给门卫(美国大学宿舍没有门卫, 是前台, 这里用门卫可能有利于大家理解)或者报警.
Never confront or ignore a stranger. 不要忽视任何一个陌生人, 或者与任何一个陌生人发生冲突.
Most residence elevators, rooftop lounges, and reception desks are equipped with emergency telephones, providing a direct line to University Police when the receiver is removed from the cradle or the button is pressed. 在大部分宿舍的电梯, 天台, 和前台都装有紧急电话, 当你拿起电话时或者按了按钮, 会直接接通警察局.
No dialing is necessary and the dispatcher can pinpoint the location of the call immediately. 这个电话是不能拨号的, 同时, 接线员可以在第一时间查到你的位置.
If possible, give a description of your circumstance. In a residence, screaming may sound like horseplay. 如果可能, 在报警的时候能描述一下你周围的环境. 在宿舍中, 尖叫声可能会让人以为是学生间的打闹.
In an emergency, be specific by shouting Help! Police! or Fire! In all activities, use common sense and be conscious of your surroundings. 在紧急情况下, 一定要具体的喊: 救命! , 警察! 或 着火了! 在所有情况中, 用常识并针对你周围的环境去应对.
Know your neighbors, don t ignore hazardous situations, and don t create them for others. 知道你的邻居是谁, 不要忽视任何危险的情况, 也不要制造任何危险.
在街上如何注意安全(以下Tips 来自于UPenn 官方网站)
Stay in well-lit areas. Walk mid-point between curbs and buildings, away from alleys, entries, and bushes. Stay near people.一定要尽量让自己留在光线充足的地方. 走路的时候让自己保持在马路牙子和建筑物中间, 远离小巷, 入口和树丛. 走在人多的地方.
Avoid short-cuts through parks, vacant lots, and other deserted places.避免走穿过公园的小路(捷径), 空地和其他一些荒凉的地方. (宁走十步远, 不走一步险. )
Carry only necessary credit cards and money. Avoid using outdoor ATMs (automated teller machines). Obtain a whistle from the Special Services Department of Public Safety and carry it with you at all times.只携带必要的信用卡和现金(10-20刀现金足够了). 避免使用室外的ATM机取款. 从Special Services Department of Public Safety(公共安全特殊服务部) 取得哨子, 并随身携带. (个人觉得这个东西没有什么太大的作用, 而且估计只有在Philadelphia 的 University City - UPenn 的所在地, 才有这个东西吧. )
Walk with someone whenever possible. Participate in buddy systems.外出的时候无论何时都要结伴而行.
Do not stop to give directions or other information to strangers. Never hitchhike. Use the PennBus or Escort Service if you must travel after dark. It s worth the wait.不要停下给陌生人指路或提供其他的信息. 绝对不要搭陌生的顺风车. 请乘坐学校的校车或者在夜晚打警察的电话要求护送服务. 我相信等待校车或者警察的时间是值得的.
If you are followed, be suspicious. Keep looking behind you and you may discourage the follower. If someone is following you on foot, cross the street, change directions, or vary your pace. If someone follows you in a car, turn around and walk in the opposite direction. If that person persists, record the license number and call the police immediately.如果你被跟踪了, 觉得有可疑人物. 不停的回头看你的后面, 会阻止跟踪者. 如果有人步行跟踪你, 你可以 过马路, 改变方向, 或者加快你的步伐. 如果有人开车跟踪你, 你要马上转身朝相反的方向走. 如果开车的那个人, 一直跟踪你, 那么记住他车牌, 然后马上打电话报警.
If you must carry a purse or handbag, keep it close to your body. This will minimize the chances of tht. If your purse is snatched, don t fight. Turn it over rather than risk personal injury. Report the incident as soon as possible.如果你必须要拿着手提包或者手包外出, 一定要保证你的包贴近你的身体. 这可以使你的包被盗窃的几率降低到最小. 如果你的包被抢了, 不要与其搏斗. 因为搏斗会让你置身于危险当中. 要在最快的时间内报警.
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