

2017年上海研究生退学 签证经验分享

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:161 移动端


我预约了上海11月16号上午10点的F1签证,9点15到梅龙镇广场,9点30进了签证大厅。签证大厅的秩序其实还不错,大家都很文明,很少有人大声喧哗,所以签证官的对话都听得很清楚。个人感觉签证官的英语都很标准,只要听力不要太差都会听清的,大家不要担心。尽管领事馆的接线员小姐说16号是学生专场,但实际上还是探亲的大叔大妈占了签证的多数。我在1号窗口交了材料,领到了签证号码。俺一看516。心里那个美呀,这个数字多吉利!今天肯定没问题。(有迷信之嫌,其实签证过与不过与号码没关系) 我一直等到了差不多12点,多亏我带了一大块巧克力,才不至于饿晕。在这个期间,我把位子让给了一对老夫妇。(签证等待的时间很长,提醒大家做好充分的心理准备)


Me: nice to meet you sir
Vo:put your lt figure on the then right one
Vo: So what are you going to study?
Me: I will go to Florida State University to pursue a PHD degree in ME, and my research domain will mainly focus on Power System, that is to do some research on how to improve the stability and reliability of power grids.
Vo: (笑) Well, it seems that you have prepared very well. How long have you been preparing for it ?
Me:(笑)About a month, with my classmate.
Vo: So are you a graduate or undergraduate? (果然问到退学这个问题了,没关系,我早就想好了)
Me: I am a graduate student in . University, but I would like to transfer to FSU for two reasons: first, I like the research direction in FSU very much, and the second reason is that the FSU has some excellent research facilities. I believe my choice is the right one.
Vo:Could you give me your admission letter and offer letter?
Me: Sure, here you are you can also take a look at my resume (我做了一份非常精美的简历,是用120克的纸彩打的,装订成了类似磨砂皮的笔记本的样子,非常美观,给签证官留下了很好的印象)
Vo: 仔细浏览简历,估计在寻找敏感词汇。You really prepared very well. (在表扬我的简历)
Me:Thanks, with all the information you need. (因为根据无数F1签经,我知道他会问什么问题,所以主动说出了研究方向,主动递简历,省了签证官问这些问题。)
Me: I also got full finical aid from the university.
Vo: Yes ,I have seen it. You are approved .
Me Thank you!

大家最好要诚实,我是退学的,在是否隐瞒退学这件事上曾经犹豫了很久,但是看到签经上前人的经验,发现只要理由充分,退学并不是很严重的硬伤,所以最终还是选择了诚实。 此外,在签证的时候最好要掌握主动,积极回答问题,而不要被动的回答问题。 应该引导签证官,让他很快知道他想知道的信息。再就是希望大家对签证充分准备,从每一细节给签证官留下好印象。我的专业其实也比较敏感,在签证以前我已经做好了check的心理准备,但是竟然顺利通过了。分析原因,我觉得和我的精致简历不无关系。

----excellent! u deserve the visa~ (by kevinhrm)

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