

2017年上海F1签证 3000 商科HR Master 接近全奖 Pass

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:201 移动端

在我签之前,总体形势不好,但是的形势还凑合,被拒的和水过的都有。今天是周一,拒签专场,所以有很多被拒签过的以及返签的xdjm都是被安排在了今天。另外,今天的签证安排比较奇怪,几个窗口交替签探亲商务和学生,而不是基本上专签一种。在我签之前,有三个有拒签史的xdjm(有一个是去读PhD的全奖)相继被6号JFMM和5号副领事拒了,有一个F1 1000的mm也被6号JFMM拒了(谈了蛮长时间,最后JFMM好像说什么你是自费,给父母造成的负担会很重什么的,就把mm给拒了,我虽然坐的很近,但也没听太清楚);但是也有两个返签的mm在6号JFMM那里水过(整个过程绝对不超过两分钟)---形势的确不妙,背水一战有实力的勇者胜,返签通常问题不大。



说一下我的背景: 去年12月全自费签被拒,今年5月换一个档次很一般的学校签再次被拒。有兴趣的xdjm可以搜一下我的帖子,里面有我1000和2000的详细过程。2000和3000我都是签一个排名很一般的学校,两年的项目总费用是6万美元,拿了GA,自己还需要支付约1万2美金

整个签证过程持续了二十多分钟,我的心理很平静,没有一点紧张的感觉,可能是签惯了,已经没啥感觉了。----------签证面试前要心如止水,什么自信心爆棚的,什么战战兢兢看形势的,都是危险边缘的人的特点。 自信来源是什么,在我mm签证前,我提到2点。1,完美的准备。 2,我准备签10次,不过我坚决不去这个鬼国家了。 有这种心理的人往往可以1000过。偶mm并没有check就过了,和她专业类似的却check很多,关键在材料准备上和面试准备上。

Me: Good morning, Ma'am
VO: Good morning, please wait for a while
----看来大事不妙,呵呵VO: Ok, please put your lt finger ......
Me: Ok
VO: Then your right
Me: Ok
手印按完后,我准备首先开口说我这次有big change,谁知我右手指刚拿下来,她就首先发问了

VO: You failed to get the visa last month and last December. What's your change this time?---直接了当耿直的vo,对这种类型回答千万不要绕弯子。
Me: Ma'am, last December, my visa application was rejected because the visa officer did not believe on the history records of my parents' savings. And last month, the Visa Officer didn't give me any chance to state my point on this. And this time, I bring along with me all the evidence that indicates the detailed history records of my parents' savings. Would you like to see it? (我知道这段阐述会很长,所以我的语速相当快,但是发音是很清楚的。VO一直看着我的眼睛,我讲完第一个句子后,VO点了点头,估计应该是表示我陈述的和电 脑记录里显示的一样,VO也没有打断我的意思) ------经典的回答,首先是准确判断了上2次被拒的原因,立即就针对性的表示你对其的认识程度,这样vo会相信你这次是认真考虑了你的签证准备,不是来花钱浪费她时间的。 vo叫你前还没有来得及看你材料,其实对你很有利,你可以大概明白vo对你过与不过的倾向。看了你历史后,vo表示出不良暗示,这时准确把握vo心目中对你的偏见,针对性的开门见山进行阐述,是非常重要的。做到这一点很不容易,很多人看见vo这样就产生畏惧影响发挥,尤其自信心强的人也很容易产生受挫心理,所以要平静冷静的面对vo。另外一定要准确把握以前的问题,否则说偏了就更麻烦了。
VO: Ok, show it to me.
Me: Here you are.


Me: Ma'am, last time, the visa officer noticed that all my parents' savings shown on the Bank Statement have been put into (一时间突然忘了存入是怎么说的,只好随机用了put into这种很蹩脚的说法)Bank of China in one day. (说到这里,VO抬起头来看着我,我知道已经吸引到她的注意力了)---呵呵,就是不要回避问题,而是要去解决问题! Well, in some sense, that is incorrect. (说到incorrect时,我加重了音量,她也还是一直看着我)I bring along with me the Interest List of Saving Deposit issued by ICBC(工行). And I'd like to have your attention on these very critical evidence which can prove the history records of my parents' savings.

Me: Ma'am, in addition to these Intesest lists, I also bring along with me the copies of former ICBC Time Certificates of Deposits and some old interest lists which can prve that these money has been put into the bank in 2004 or even 2003. Would you ... 被VO打断
VO: Show it to me.---vo貌似很像重庆人也
Me: Ok, here you are.

Me: Ma'am, money is absolutely not a problem for my graduate study in America. I have been awarded the GA, so my parents just need to pay quite a small portion of the fees. And both of my parents have decent and high-paid jobs. And they have stable income for years. 说到这里VO抬起头来
VO: What's your parents' job?
Me: My father is a **** and my mother is a *****. Would you like to take a look at their Certificates of Employment and Income? (我边说边从文件夹里拿出来了,show给VO看)
VO: Not necessary. What's your father's income?
Me: His annual income is around 70,000 yuan.
VO: And your mum?
Me: Her annual income is also around 70,000 yuan.

VO: 原话我记不得了,大概意思是说,你父母年收入14万,为什么他们的存款只有30多万---这个问题很厉害,如果实现没有准备一定完蛋,呵呵 这个问题我也说过很多次,很多人拼命说家里收入高,但是存款却不高,很危险,这种时候一定要有其他财产开销证明,如房子,汽车等 另外还有投资

Me: Well, firstly, my parents' annual income in total has not been 140,000 while their averge annual income for the recent 5 years is 140,000. You know, they do not earn quite much in 1990s. Secondly, as a family, we do consume in daily time. Moreover, I spent four years in college, which takes my parents more than 70,000 yuan in total. And my parents bought our present house which values more than 400,000 yuan in 2003... 被VO打断 ---回答的很不错,唯一缺憾就是房子的问题可以稍微提前点,或者前面点一句,具体解释多少钱后面说。
VO: (用中文问道)你带房产证了吗?---vo说中文,通常是对你印象不错的时候,当然前提是你英文说得不错。

Me: Yes. 随即拿出房产证递给她,VO就翻开看了一下,然后就退出来给我了
VO: Ok. You get the scholarship from the university, right? ---这个问题vo的目的是什么我还不能拿捏的准
Me: Yes, I have been awarded the Graduate Assistantship which can cover most part of the fees and my parents just need to pay for a very small portion of the overall fees, that is about ...
VO: Ok, please wait for a while


VO: Well, Mr. , I'm sorry to tell you that (听到这里我还以为我又被拒了!)---是我听了也吓一跳,不过老美很有礼貌,她认为1000 vo拒你是不完全对的,还说I'm sorry, 可是这句话的确吓人啊there might be some mistakes taken upon your financial conditions in your last visa application. And now it's Ok. Well, would you please tell me why you want to study in USA rather than stay in China? (我知道她这句话的意思是说,我之前关于资金的解释已经把1000和2000时关于资金的问题圆满解决了,下面VO要开始重新评估我了,顿时心里暗自高兴,振奋了精神)----哈哈,好负责任的vo啊,居然资金过了又来攻击你弱点,我感觉这个是针对2000 vo记录的东西进行提问的,好险

Me: (原来准备的那些话,我突然觉得有些欠妥,所以临场又重新组合,发挥了一下,结合自身的研究兴趣和这个专业的发展情况谈了大概5,6句话)----对的,要经常批判自己的准备,争取拿到最佳的答案!

VO: Why do you choose a different university this year?
Me: (首先从专业角度谈了2-3句话,但是被打断)---对的,先过渡一下
VO: But going to **** University (1000时的那个牛校) suggests a more promising future which you might not achieve with a master degree from **** University.---好厉害的vo,一般的网友估计死定了。

Me: Ma'am, firstly, I think the most fundamental thing of achieving success is not just holding a degree offered by famous universities. It is how you run yourself that makes the real difference. ---厉害,这句话Ma'am, I'm a man with schedule, not a man merely with ambitions. I know what I'm doing right now, and I know what I'm gonna do in the future. And you know what, a lot of people go to the USA just because they follow the steps of their friends, or the words of United States of America promise a more powerful and glorious future. But I can tell you that it's wrong. It's wrong indeed. And I personally consider it to be reckless and irresponsible to just make ourselves to the USA bore we get to know why we should do it, what kind of cost we should take, what kinda challenges and opportunities we might face, and what we will be going to do after graduation.---回答的很不错,但是稍微有些空泛,层次稍微有点欠缺。但是vo在你进行资金陈述的时候对你已经印象大好了,所以只要不是出大问题就好。

VO: Well then, what will you do after graduation?

Me: (主要是说准备specialize in **** area以及为什么,没提会回中国)---回国还是应该提到,不过要提的有理有据有节。要从美国虽然好,中国在这个领域我会更好来阐述。

VO: Ok, I will approve your visa this time. You've made impressive presentation. Congratulations! Enjoy your trip to USA.----讨厌,vo把我想说得话给说了,呜呜呜Me: Thank you, Ma'am. Have a good day!



更要感谢我的GF,在咱相遇之前就为我祈祷~ it's been an honor to be qualified for cing u in the USA~

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