


2017/07/06 14:24:09 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:71 移动端
说到,很多学生都听说过,但对于套磁的具体操作,尤其是套磁信的写作并不熟悉。以下是一位同学在感恩节和春节给教授发的套磁信,供学生们参考。 Dear Prof.XX: Today is Thanksgiving Day! Best regards for you and your family in this special day. As I know,Thanksgiving Day is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have.Thanksgiving Day is a time of turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. In all, Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks.so I want also to express my thanks to you, Thanks for your help with the application process;Thanks for your suggestions on my CV and personal statement; Thanks for sending me many papers I am very interseted in; Thanks for your kind reply to my questions on those papers;Thanks for your encouragement and support.I really appreciate what you have done to me. By the way, a few days ago,I got the TOEFL-iBT test score,which is as follows. So I have completed all the required application to XX U. Thanks again for your geneours help! I m eager to have my potentials fully tapped under your instruction. yours, 18411111 教授的回复: Hi 18411111: Thanks for the email and the Tol-iBT scores. You are correct that Thanksgiving is an important holiday. In spite of our Christian heritage, you may be surprised to learn that Thanksgiving may be even more important than Christmas. More people travel for Thanksgiving than Christmas. In any event, I ll get back to you shortly. Best Wishes, 中国春节的时候我又发信了: Dear Prof. XX: Today is Chinese Spring Festival,also known as the Chinese Lunar New Year .Similar to the importance of the Christmas Day for the westerners, the Spring Festival is the most important celebration for Chinese people.The Spring Festival is when all family members get together, all people living away from home go back. We usually stay up late and set off fireworks on New Year s Eve. By the first day of first lunar month, people are wearing festival dresses and begin to visit or welcome family, friends and loved ones.They greet each other and invite guests to drink tea and chat at their home. So on this special day,I also hope to extend my greetings to you :Wish you a Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year! By the way,you mentioned in the last email that you would give a phone interview with me. I wonder when we will do it. I have been looking forward to it! Best Wishes in Spring Festival! 教授的回复: Hi 18411111: Happy spring festival to you as well. I ll be going to a Spring Festival party on Saturday. When would be the best dates/times to call you. Please provide me with several days as I will need to work around the 13 hour time difference (I believe you are 13 hours ahead of us). Normally I do it in the morning my time (evening your time). I am in the same time zone as Washington DC. I would like to do it this week if possible (unless of course you ve had too much rice wine by the evening) so we can make a decision. Happy New Year, 大年初一,教授和我做了电面,聊了25分钟,一个OFFER就到手了! 总之套磁这种事情是没准的,一定要坚持,要和教授保持联系,至少让他记得有这么一个你。

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