您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年免申请费的美国大学名单大全
通常申请美国大学需要申请费用,一般为15美元到125美元不等。不同的学校有不同的规定。如果我们只申请一所学校,这个花费倒不必计较,但若申请多所,假设折中,每所大学申请费用50美元,十所就是500美元,不可小觑吧。下面就是这样的例子了:这个学生有段时间害怕申请落空,于是就想多申请几所保底学校,然而美国大学申请多数也是要申请费的,ta不想花数百美刀在那些ta绝不可能去读的大学,于是,他找到了一个解决法子 通过CollegeBoard MatchMaker 搜索免费申请的大学,或者网申免费的大学,并很有心地列出来这个名单。我们来看一下你申请的大学在不在上面。
A List Of Colleges That Are Free To Apply To.
During the past week I've gotten the last minute panic attacks accompanied by the frenetic thoughts of trying to find safety schools to apply to. Unfortunately, I don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on applications to colleges I will never likely attend, so I found an alternative. I started searching for colleges through the CollegeBoard MatchMaker and compiled a list of colleges that are completely free to apply to, or wave the fee once an applicant applies online. Agnes Scott College
Albion College
Albright College
Alice Lloyd College
Allegheny College
Alma College
Alverno College
American University
Anderson University
Ancilla College
Aquinas College
Arcadia University
Asbury College
Augsburg College
Augustana College
Aurora University
Averett University
Avila University
Bainbridge College
Baker University
Baldwin-Wallace College
Barclay College
Barton College
Baylor University
Belmont Abbey College
Berea College
Bethany College (KS)
Bethany Lutheran College
Bethany University
Blackburn College
Bradley University
Bridgewater College
Buena Vista University
Butler University
Capitol College
Carleton College 卡尔顿学院
Carroll College (MT)
Carroll College (WI)
Case Western Reserve University
Cedar Crest College
Centenary College (LA)
Central College (IA)
Central Pennsylvania College
Centre College
Chatfield College
Chatham College
Christendom College
Clarkson University
Coe College
Coker College
Colby College
Colgate University 高露洁大学
College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University
College of Wooster
Columbia College (SC)
Columbia Union College
Concord University
Concordia College (MN)
Concordia University (MI)
Concordia University of Portland
Cornish College of the Arts
Creighton University
Crichton College
Culver-Stockton College
D'Youville College
Dana College
Davis College
Dayton, University of
Deep Springs College
Diance College
Denison University
Detroit Mercy, University of
Dominican University of California
Drake University
Drexel University
Elizabethtown College
Emmanuel College (MA)
Erskine College
Findlay, University of
Finlandia University
Fisher College
Fontbonne University
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Franklin College
Franklin Pierce College
Freed-Hardeman University
Grace College
Graceland University
Great Falls, University of
Green Mountain College
Greenville College
Grinnell College
Guilford College
Gwynedd-Mercy College
Hamilton College
Hamline University
Hanover College
Hartford, University of
Hartwick College
Hastings College
Hilbert College
Hiram College
Hobart William Smith Colleges
Holy Cross College (IN)
Hood College
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois Wesleyan University
Iowa Wesleyan College
John Carroll University
Johnson Wales University
Judson College
Kenyon College
Kettering University
King's College (PA)
La Sierra University
La Verne, University of
Le Moyne College
Lesley College
Lewis Clark College
Liberty University
Limestone College
Lindsey Wilson College
Loras College
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University New Orleans
Luther College
Lycoming College
Lynchburg College
Madonna University
Manchester College
Manhattanville College
Marian College
Marietta College
Marquette University
McKendree College
Medaille College
Messiah College
Methodist College
Michigan Technological University
Midland Lutheran College
Miles College
Millikin University
Millsaps College
Mississippi College
Mississippi University for Women
Mitchell College
Monmouth College
Moravian College
Morehead State University
Morningside College
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Mercy College
Mount Saint Vincent, College of
Naes College
Nazareth College
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Neumann College
New College of Florida
Northland College
Northwest College
Northwestern College (IA)
Northwood University
Notre Dame College
Notre Dame de Namur University
Oglethorpe University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Olivet College
Otterbein College
Pacific, University of the
Pacific Lutheran University
Pacific Union College
Peru State College
Piedmont College
Pikeville College
Pine Manor College
Point Park University
Polytechnic University
Post University
Purdue University-North Central
Queens University of Charlotte
Randolph-Macon College
Randolph-Macon Woman's College
Rhodes College
Rio Grande, University of
Roanoke College
Robert Morris University
Rockhurst University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rosemont College
Rust College
Sage College of Albany
Saint Louis University
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
Salem College (NC)
Scranton, University of
Sewanee: The University of the South (Common Application only)
Siena Heights University
Sierra Nevada College
Simmons College
Simpson College
Smith College
Southern Idaho, College of
Southwestern Adventist University
Spring Hill College
Springfield College
St. Ambrose University
St. John's College (MD and NM)
St. John's University (NY)
St. Joseph College (CT)
St. Joseph's College (ME)
St. Mary's College (IN)
St. Mary's University (MN)
St. Mary's University (TX)
St. Norbert College
St. Olaf College
St. Rose, College of
St. Scholastica, College of
St. Thomas (MN), University of
Stephens College
Sterling College
Stevens Institute of Technology
Susquehanna University
Sweet Briar College
Texas-El Paso, University of
Thiel College
Thomas Aquinas College
Thomas More College
Touro College
Transylvania University
Trinity University (TX)
Truman State University
Tulane University
Tusculum College
Union College (NE)
United Theological Seminary
Unity College
Valparaiso University
Villa Julie College
Warren Wilson College
Washington Jferson College
Wellesley College
West Liberty State College
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Wesley College
Wesleyan College (GA)
Westminster College (MO)
Westminster College (PA)
Wheeling Jesuit University
Whittier College
Whitworth College
Willamette University
William Jewell College
William Woods University
Williams Baptist College
Wilson College
Wittenberg University
Xavier University (OH)
This website also allows you to search for schools whose applications are Free for Legacies and Siblings, Free or Reduced for International Applicants, Free During Certain Time Periods, Free If Student Visits Campus, Free If Submitted During Campus Visit, Free with Alumna/us Recommendation, Free in Special Cases and Reduced Fee On-line. http://www.porcelina.net/freeapps/listings.html
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲