

2017年年美国杜克大学暑期课程Summer School简介

2017/07/06 13:10:34 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:341 移动端

杜克大学 (Duke University),简称为Blue Devil,创建于1838年,坐落于美国北卡罗莱那州达勒姆,是一所享誉世界,风景优美的私立男女合校研究型大学。虽然目前的学校创建于1924年,但杜克大学的历史实际上可以回溯到1859年时在今日现址创立的三一学院或更早的布朗学校(Brown's Schoolhouse,于1838年时创立于同州的兰道夫县)。下面为大家介绍一下2017年美国杜克大学暑期课程Summer School,详情查看杜克大学summer school官网:http://summersession.duke.edu。


杜克大学summer school项目介绍:

Term 1 2017

May 17 - June 29 (6-week term)

May 17 - June 10 (4-week term)

Term 2 2017

July 3 - August 13 (6-week term)

July 11- August 3 (4-week term)

6-week term requires enrollment in two academic courses, either both for academic credit, or one course for academic credit and one course as an audit. Registration for a 4-week term requires enrollment in a single academic course for academic credit.

The maximum course load for the 4-week terms is 1.5 course credits, while the maximum course load for the 6-week terms remains 2.5 course credits.其中,4个星期的课程要求最多注册一个学分课程,不超过1.5学分;6个星期的课程要求做多注册2个学分课程或者一个学分课程和一个非学分课程,不超过2.5个学分。

杜克大学summer school为大学生提供物理、化学或语言等250多门课程。具体课程:http://summersession.duke.edu/uploads/media_items/2016-projected-course-offerings.original.pdf

杜克大学summer school项目申请:

1. 杜克大学summer school申请开放时间是January 24,2017,注册时间为February 20,2017; 国际学生Term 1申请截止时间为4月1日,Term 2为5月1日申请截止。

2. TOEFL最低成绩95或者IELTS成绩7;建议托福成绩IBT100分。

3. 该项目需要申请者持F1学生签证,不能使用B1/B2旅游签证。

杜克大学summer school费用:


Tuition for 2017

$3,291 for regular or non-science lab course;

$4,388 for a science course with a lab* (Biology 201L, Biology 202L, Chemistry 101DL, Chemistry 201DL, Chemistry 202DL, Physics 141L, and Physics 142L; also some Engineering courses with labs);

$2,194 for each half-course;

$1,097 for each quarter-course;

Health Fee: $136.00

Services Fee:$77.00


2017 Summer College for High School Students


1.时间:July 9 (arrival) to August 4 (departure)


The program fee of $8,550 ($500 non-rundable deposit plus the remaining balance of $8,050)

Application Fee: $100.00


-A completed application

-An essay

-A resume

-High School transcript、GPA

-Test scores if available: PSAT, SAT, ACT

-Teacher Recommendation Form


-F-1 Student Visa

2017 Summer Academy for High School Students


1.时间:July 15 (arrival) to August 4 (departure)


The program fee of $6,150 ($500 non-rundable deposit plus the remaining balance of $5,650)


-A completed application

-An essay

-A resume

-High School transcript、GPA

-Teacher Recommendation Form

-B-1/ B-2 旅游签证

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