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澳际美国高端导师 Alec-Pinero

  My name is Alec, and I’m the assistant general manager of Aomeida. I guess I’ll introduce myself on three fronts: academic, professional, and personal. Academically, I went to the Trinity School in New York, the #1 private school in the U.S., and then to Harvard where I studied psychology and got a minor in “mind, brain and behavior.” Professionally, I’ve worked in different industries such as education, advertising, and real estate, and have been doing study abroad mentoring for a few years now. In my personal life, I very much enjoy being active physically and mentally; I do sports like basketball and boxing, am a personal trainer, and like to play chess (国际象棋 and 围棋) and studying different languages. Also, I’m a total 吃货.

  大家好,我是Alec, 澳际美国名校——傲美达的副总经理。我将从学术、职业及个人兴趣爱好三个方面介绍我自己。首先我高中就读于美国最好的私立高中,三一学院,本科就读哈佛大学的心理学专业,辅修精神,头脑和行为。我先后在教育、广告、房地产等不同领域工作过,从事辅导留学申请工作已有几年的经验。至于个人方面,我喜欢篮球、拳击等活动,同时是一名私人健身教练,也喜欢下国际象棋,围棋,此外我还对不同语言感兴趣。对了,我是一个名副其实的吃货。^~^(跟他交流

  1. Alec,作为哈佛的高才生,您是在什么时候开始规划申请的,当时您多大?做了哪些准备?除了平时成绩、SAT,是否有其他方面的表现为申请哈佛加分?

  The long answer is: At the most basic level, you could say that I began preparing for college as soon as started growing up, and while that sounds insane, let me assure you that my parents did not put an SAT book in my right hand and international public policy book in my other hand as soon as I started talking. Rather, they encouraged me to pursue things I was interested in, so by the time I got into high school I was confident in those interests, and knew that if I chose to do something I liked then I was making the right decision. I played water polo and basketball; I started an alumni relations club; I volunteered; I played chess; and I got to know my classmates and my teachers. What kind of student does a school like Harvard want? They want a student who is passionate, who pursues his or her interests in a unique way. End. Of. Story. To be perfectly honest, by the time I took the SAT and even started thinking about my school list my senior year, my application was basically writing itself. The short answer is: It’s never too early to start.



  Perfect timing! Let me build off my answer to the previous question here. The whole idea of the Advanced Planning (长期规划) work is to provide students with a timeline and actionable steps to develop their interests into creative, leadership-oriented, outward-facing (remember #CSI?) projects and achievements. Anyone can study for SATs, APs, TOEFLs, and do homework, but our job is to help you distinguish yourself from all the 学霸’s running around. Let’s dig in to that for a second. Have an interest in model rockets? Let’s turn that into a club that competes at the national level. Play basketball? Let’s develop a youth league that coaches younger players and provides volunteer opportunities. Can’t stop cooking? Let’s find a way to teach others first locally, then nationally, then globally! And that’s only the beginning…


  Preparing a student to apply to top schools can seem very overwhelming; where do you even start? Actually, we help students develop three key components of their application: C-S-I. These three letters, C-S-I, each stand for something that American admissions officers assume Chinese students lack: Creativity, Soft skills, and International perspective. Creativity is pretty straightforward, it’s the ability to think of new solutions to old problems, or see solutions where no one even knew there was a problem! Soft skills are all about communication, and leadership. International perspective means recognizing that the world is very, very big and has many, many people with different backgrounds and experiences. Since admissions officers expect to not see any evidence of CSI, we make sure it shines through.

  帮助学生准备顶级大学的留学申请是一项工程浩大的工作,究竟要从何处开始着手呢?实际上,我们主要帮助学生从三个非常关键的方面即 C-S-I做准备。这三个字母所代表的是美国大学录取委员会认为中国学生所缺少的关键内容:创造性,软性技能和国际视野。创造性,就是能想出解决问题的新方法的能力,或是发现未被其他人所认识到的问题的解决方法;软性技能和沟通、领导力息息相关;国际视野,简而言之就是能够认识到世界非常广博,不同的人有着不同的背景和经历。


  Here are some quick and easy tips for studying for any standardized test, particularly the SAT: 1) DON’T just memorize vocabulary words; instead, use them in sentences, practice them in context; learn prixes, suffixes, and roots. You only need to get familiar with the types and categories of words rather than every single word. 2) TAKE A PRACTICE TEST. Chinese students spend way too much time memorizing individual problems and taking individual practice sections, and rarely know what the actual test will be like bore they go in and take it for the first time. Instead, take a practice test once a month, and as the test date approach increase the frequency. Simulate the real test conditions and you will be ready to take advantage of all the preparation you’ve done come exam time.

  对于任何一类标准化考试,尤其是SAT的建议是酱紫的:1. 不要死记硬背单词,而是通过词所在的句子来理解和记忆词义和用法,在语境中练习使用,学习一定的前缀,后缀,词根等。这样你只需要记住某一类型的词就能够举一反三。2. 模拟考试练习(真题练习),很多中国学生只是背诵单词和练习单项测试,直到真正考试时才了解到实际考试情况,这是不够的。坚持每月一次模拟(真题)练习,而随着考试的临近,更要加大练习频率。不断模拟真实的考试环境,有了充分准备,在正式考试时会有更好的发挥。


  It’s very easy to get caught up in rumors and stories and “my mother’s friend’s son’s classmate’s aunt said that…” and as such there’s a lot of misinformation out there. The good thing is, each component of the application has very clear steps associated with it, so whether it’s brainstorming for the essay, selecting schools to apply to, or preparing for the interview, we have very clear timelines and processes that we follow with our students; it doesn’t matter what they think they do or don’t know!



  Applying to American high schools, just like applying to colleges or graduate schools, can be easy… if you don’t care what kind of school you go to. However, if a student wants to go to a good American high school, then we work with them largely on developing their communication and self-expression skills. Social skills are extremely important when it comes to succeeding in American high schools, so we make sure that students are aware of the expectations their teachers and classmates will have for them, and introduce them to contexts and assignments they will encounter while there.



  We at Aomeida are first and foremost mentors. We look at students not as numbers or products to fit into a formula, but as individuals that are coming from different backgrounds with different needs and interests. We take these backgrounds, needs, and interests and help students develop into more than just strong university applicants; we get them ready to succeed, to go above and beyond just getting into college. All of our students are trying to get into top universities, so what should we rerence when we work with them? That’s pretty obvious: our own experience at these universities (Princeton, NYU, Yale, Columbia, Harvard).


  Aomeida’s competitive advantages can be broken down into three distinct components:

  1) Our Team. Our highly-talented team of experts have the academic and experience pedigree to not only “talk the talk” but to “walk the walk.” Aomeida mentors graduate from top schools (see: Question #2), are experts in their fields, have extensive education and mentor experience, and view each student through the eyes of an admissions officer. They know what it takes to get into #1 programs in the U.S., or they wouldn’t be here.

  2) Our Approach. Our work with our students is encapsulated in our core values: honesty, transparency, commitment to excellence, compassion, grounded in context. What does this mean for our day-to-day work? It means that we work with our students, with each plan and decision customized (量身定制) for them and their particularly situation; when you’re applying to top U.S. schools, there’s no other way to do it.

  3) Our Success. Where does our approach get us? A 96% acceptance rate into Top 50 schools at the high school, college, and graduate levels. We’ll let the statistics speak for themselves.


  1) 团队优势:傲美达的精英导师均有实际的申请经验,毕业于美国顶级大学,是其领域的佼佼者,且拥有丰富的学术和辅导经验得以从录取委员会的角度审视学生,并判断其是否具有进入美国顶级大学的潜力。

  2) 方法优势:傲美达帮助学生的方式在我们的核心价值观得以体现: 诚实,透明公开,追求卓越,同情心和立足实际。这在我们的工作中是如何得以体现呢?那就是我们根据学生的背景、特性为其量身定制申请方案,并依此来开展学生的申请工作。申请美国顶级大学,没有其他方法可寻。

  3) 丰富的成功经验:傲美达申请方式所取得的成果如何呢?傲美达的客户96%都被美国top50的优秀高中,大学(文理学院)及研究生项目录取。我们的数据很好地证明了这一点。

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