

美国人的“大选焦虑”Election anxiety

2017/07/05 17:25:41 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:267 移动端

Election anxiety is a real thing. Lots of people have become uncomfortably stressed-out by the long, contentious campaign.

大选焦虑确实存在。很多美国人由于长时间的争来辩去的竞选活动而感到 压力山大 。


Around half of people surveyed (52 percent) say the election is a very or somewhat significant source of stress in their lives.

大约半数受访的美国人(52%)表示,总统大选是其生活中 非常重要或有些重要的 压力来源。

The breakdown by party is about even: 59 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of Democrats say this election is causing them stress.


Therapists are seeing a surge in anxiety among their patients, Republicans and Democrats alike, with a common theme: we don t feel safe.


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