


2017/07/05 17:05:44 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:166 移动端




I earned my B.S. in Electrical Engineering at McMaster University in Ontario and my M.A. in Education at California State University Northridge in 1997. I began teaching math and science at San Jacinto High School that same year and in 1998 became assistant coach on San Jacinto s varsity basketball team. I have been serving as a student advisor/counselor since the fall of 2003.

解析:推荐人首先介绍了自己的学术背景,麦克马斯特大学(加拿大一所大学)的电气工程本科学位,加州州立大学北岭分校的教育学硕士。另外,推荐人又展现了自己在San Jacinto高中丰富的数学和科学教学经历,同时为了更好地表现自己在学生工作的能力,又介绍了自己在篮球队担任教练和班主任的经历。通过推荐人强大的背景介绍,足以展现这份推荐信的真实信和含金量。


I am currently the Chi Financial Officer of Speedway Performance Systems and worked with Eddie while I was a Vice President at UBS. By way of background, I spent the last 10 years in venture capital (CCMP Capital Advisors and TPG Capital) and, more recently, investment banking (UBS). I earned my M.B.A. at the University of Chicago in 1994.

解析:为了更好地证明推荐人对被推荐人专业能力的了解,可以将推荐人在相关领域的工作经验呈现出来。在上述例子中,推荐人就很巧妙的介绍了自己在金融领域的成就。不管是如今在Speedway Performance Systems的CFO职位,还是当时在UBS的副总裁职位,都足以向录取委员会的老师展现一个高等级的推荐人。推荐人还是负责地介绍了自己在风险资本和投资银行方面的从业经验。


With a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Temple University, I joined the Patent and Trade Office as a Patent Examiner in 2000 and have risen to Senior Patent Examiner and then in 2006 to Supervising Patent Examiner. Today, I hire, train, and promote examiners and manage, review, and sign off on the work of the 15 patent examiners in my group, including Michelle.


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