您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 哇哦!魁北克PEQ经验类移民不会取消?
2017年 2019年这三年是移民计划的过渡期,包容性更强,这三年过后,魁北克的移民政策将更有竞争力,更现代化,更高效,你准备好了吗?
在2016年8月的魁北克听证会上,移民部部长Kathleen Weil表示新的移民计划将有利于移民更好的选择,而且移民程序也更加简化,便捷,这也有利于有移民意向的学生或临时工申请永久居民身份。 听证会大致内容总结如下:
1. PEQ不会取消,人数会收得更多,虽然移民条件不会大改,但依然有可能给PEQ加上限制条件
2. 部长说 不会把PEQ放到快速通道下竞争
3. 听证会提到另外会直接给法语授课的魁北克大学预科毕业生(大专学院或大学毕业生) 直接发放CSQ,高中读大学预科(CEGEP),或者度本科,硕士,尤其是法语授课的项目,可以放心大胆地来
4. 如果移民对年龄扣分,大概会以35岁为限
5. 紧缺职业依然会受欢迎
6. 法语学好了永远是移民魁北克的杀手锏,事实上不止魁北克,很多其他的省份(如安省,新不伦瑞克)都给法语过CLB 7的申请人开着绿灯
Policy Orientation 1
Stabilize immigrationadmission levels at 51,000 immigrants for the first two years, then slightlyincrease levels during the third year to reach 52,500 in 2019
1. 前两年的名额控制在51,000人,第三年会略有所增长,到2019年增长到52,500人
Policy Orientation 2
Gradually increase theportion of economic immigration to 63% by the end of the period
2. 到2019年为止,逐步将经济移民比重增长到63%
Policy Orientation 3
By 2019, increase to atleast 40% the proportion of immigrants aged 18 years and older in the skilledworker subclass who are selected as international students, or were temporaryworkers at the time of their selection
3. 到2019年,18岁以上,熟练掌握某项技术的留学生或临时工的移民名额比例至少增长到40%
Policy Orientation 4
Ensure that the proportionof adults in the skilled worker subclass who declare knowing French at the timethey are admitted is at least 85%
4. 确保发育熟练地技术人员工移民比例至少占85%
Policy Orientation 5
Ensure that the proportionof candidates with in-demand training who are selected in the skilled workersubclass is at least 70%
5. 确保技术移民候选人中,有培训需求的人占至少70%
Policy Orientation 6
Ensure that at least 65% ofannual admissions are individuals under 35 years of age
6. 确保每一年的最终移民人选中,35岁以下的人占65%
Policy Orientation 7
Contribute, alongsideeconomic and regional stakeholders, to the development of Qu bec s regionsthrough permanent and temporary immigration
Policy Orientation 8
Continue to foster diversemigratory movements by encouraging immigration from different parts of theworld in an fort to support Qu bec s economic dynamism and ensure thevitality of French language
Policy Orientation 9
Annually reaffirm Qu bec shumanitarian commitment by welcoming rugees and other people in need ofinternational protection
Amy GUO 经验: 16年 案例:4272 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲