


2017/07/05 14:58:54 编辑: 加拿大 浏览次数:440 移动端


很多同学都在抱怨局办事效率非常低,很多同学网上递交的毕业工签PGWP(Post Graduate Work Permit)过去好几个月都没有音讯,但在等待毕业工签的时候,很多同学都顺利找到了工作,那么问题来了,等待毕业后工签时间的工作经验,可以用来都算作经验移民么?而且一旦进入池子之后,可以用来加分么?大家一起跟随笔者去了解一下吧。




毕业之前的工作经验不算数 是从加拿大经验类移民CEC引起的,经验类移民最开始实行的时候就有了这个困惑。当时要求读2年书+工作1年可以走CEC,持有校园外工签OCWP(现在已经取消)可以合法打工,有学生在毕业的时候就已经达到等同1年的兼职工作经验了,是否可以计算?


IRPR 87.1 (3) For the purposes of subsection (2),

(a) any period of employment during which the foreign national was engaged in full-time study shall not be included in calculating a period of work experience;

(b) any period of self-employment or unauthorized work shall not be included in calculating a period of work experience; and

(c) the foreign national must have had temporary resident status during their period of work experience and any period of full-time study or training.




2014年6月之后,持学签的学生毕业申请毕业后工签PGWP之后、拿到PGWP之前,可以合法工作,依据的是IRPR 186(w)

IRPR 186 A foreign national may work in Canada without a work permit

(w) if they are or were the holder of a study permit who has completed their program of study and

(i) they met the requirements set out in paragraph (v), and

(ii) they applied for a work permit bore the expiry of that study permit and a decision has not yet been made in respect of their application.

毕业之后、拿到PGWP之前的工作经验,一不属于全职学习期间,二不是未授权的工作经验,三申请人具有临时居民身份(即使学签失效,也因为implied status具有临时居民身份),所以这样的工作经历是可以算在经验类移民中的。

(注:implied status目前暂且解释为含蓄身份,是指新的身份还没有下来,旧的身份已经过期了的申请人)

这段工作可以在池子里加分么?答案也是肯定的,Express Entry的部长指令也给可以加分的工作经验给了类似的规定:

(7) For the purposes of this section,

(a) a period of employment during which the foreign national was engaged in full-time study is not to be included in calculating a period of work experience;

(b) a period of self-employment or unauthorized work is not to be included in calculating a period of work experience;

(c) the foreign national must have had temporary resident status during their period of work experience and any period of full-time study or training; and

(d) the full-time equivalent for part-time work experience is 30 hours of work per week.


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