


2017/07/05 14:57:25 编辑: 加拿大 浏览次数:209 移动端



Applicants must enrollin and continue to pursue studies in Canada. Failure to do so could lead toremoval from Canada.(申请者必须在学校注册,并且在去往加拿大之后必须是在学校里学习,否则会被驱逐出境。)


Study permitswill only be issued to successful applicants who are pursuing studies at aneducational institution that has been designated to receive internationalstudents.(只有去加拿大指定的具有招收国际学生资格的教育机构,才能会颁发学生签证。)


Study permitswill automatically authorize the holder to work off-campus for up to 20 hoursper week during the academic session and full-time during scheduled breakswithout the need to apply for a separate work permit. The study permit holdermust be pursuing academic, vocational or professional training of six months ormore that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate at a designatedinstitution.(获得学生签证的学生,会被自动授予校外工作许可(上课期间每周不超过20小时,放假时可以全职),而不需要另外在申请。允许打工的学生必须是正在接受6个月以上的学习的学生。)


Only internationalstudents who are pursuing studies at a secondary school or at a designatedinstitution may apply for a Co-Op Work Permit if a co-op placement is anintegral part of their course of study.(学生只有在加国指定院校申请才能申请Co-Op工作许可。)


Visitors mayapply for a study permit from within Canada if they are at the pre-school,primary or secondary level, are on an academic exchange or a visiting studentat a designated learning institution, or have completed a course or program ofstudy that is a condition for acceptance at a designated learning institution.(交换生和访问生(包括学前、小学和中学)可以在加拿大境内申请学签。)


A study permitbecomes invalid 90 days following the completion of studies unless the foreignnational also possesses a valid work permit or another authorization to remainin Canada.(学生毕业后,学签的有效期将自动变成90天。除非转工签或者其他合法途径,否则无法继续合法逗留在加国。)


Eligibleinternational graduates will be authorized to work full-time after theirstudies are completed until a decision is made on their application for aPost-Graduation Work Permit.(留学生毕业后从申请了毕业工签开始就可以在加拿大合法工作,除非毕业工签被拒了。)

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