


2017/07/05 11:56:08 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:421 移动端



剑桥大学University of Cambridge: Judge

伦敦商学院London Business School

曼彻斯特大学商学院Alliance Manchester Business School

牛津大学University of Oxford: Sa d

伦敦城市大学City University: Cass

兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University Management School

华威大学Warwick Business School

帝国理工学院Imperial College Business School

克兰菲尔德大学Cranfield School of Management

杜伦大学Durham University Business School

斯特拉思克莱德大学University of Strathclyde Business School

爱丁堡大学University of Edinburgh Business School

伯明翰大学Birmingham Business School

其中,根据Online MBA Ranking 2017(2017年在线MBA排名),全球20所商学院上榜! Online MBA 是指主打虚拟课堂、直播授课以及多媒体教学,为在职高管提供灵活的学习方式,学生毕业时可以获得与全日制 住读 MBA学员同样的学位。Online MBA的吸引力在于其课程灵活、覆盖范围广以及授课进度慢。

对于公司高级专业人才来讲,Online MBA比全日制MBA课程更有吸引力。此外,Online MBA的学员更有可能在课程结束后,在目前的雇主那里升职,而不是跳槽。由于Online MBA项目的灵活性,它更吸引时间并不那么自由的女性。


华威大学商学院(Warwick Business School)

杜伦大学商学院(Durham University Business School)

布拉德福德大学管理学院(University of Bradford School of Management)

去英国留学的小伙伴,很多选择了英国大学MBA(Master of Business Administration)专业,众所周知,英国大学MBA专业学费高昂,不是所有学生都可以负担。为了广大 self-pay 的在职申请者,我们找到了一些低成本(高质量,低学费)的英国大学MBA专业课程。


1. Affordable

2. No prior work experience required

3. Students can work up to 20 hours during their studies to support themselves in the UK

4. Globally respected British university degrees

5. Intensive courses allowing completion in 12 to 18 months

6. Access to careers in management at a senior level

低成本MBA课程信息(Low cost MBA programme information)

1. 12 or 18 month programme

2. 2-year work experience required, but not mandatory for some colleges

3. Minimum IELTS score of 6.0

4. Second class bachelors degree

5. Intake Jan/April/August/Oct

6. Pre-MBA option if you do not fulfill entry requirements

7. Average MBA tuition fees starts from 6,950

在英国提供低成本MBA专业的大学(Universities offering low cost MBA in UK)

1. 贝德福特大学(University of Bedfordshire)

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 6,750 (EU)

11,250 (International)

2. 波尔顿大学(University of Bolton )

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 8,500 (EU)

12,500 (International)

3. 卡迪夫都市大学(Cardiff Metropolitan University )

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 9,000

4. 坎特伯雷大学(Canterbury Christ Church University )

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 9,000 (EU)

12,900 (International)

5. 德蒙福特大学(De Montfort University )

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 8,250 (EU)

14,000 (International)

6. 东伦敦大学(University of East London )

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 15,000

7. 格鲁斯特大学(University of Gloucestershire)

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 12,500

8. 格林多大学(Glyndwr University)

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 9,000

9. 利兹贝克特大学(Leeds Beckett University)

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 11,300

10. 萨福克大学(University of Suffolk)

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 11,000

11. 圣大卫三一学院(University of Wales, Trinity St David)

Duration: 18 months

Tuition fees: 3,930 (EU)

11,000 (International)

12. 伍尔弗汉普顿大学(University of Wolverhampton)

Duration: 18 months

Tuition fees: 9,800 (EU)

12,470 (International)

13. 伍斯特大学(University of Worcester)

Duration: 12 months

Tuition fees: 4,900 (EU)

11,400 (International)

提供低成本MBA专业的学院(Colleges offering low cost MBA)

1. 格林尼治管理学院(Greenwich School of Management)

Duration: 12 months

Tuition Fees: 10,000

2. 伦敦商业学院(London School of Commerce)

Duration: 12 months

Tuition Fees: 6,950

3. 纽卡斯尔学院(Newcastle College)

Duration: 18 months

Tuition fees: 8,975

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