


刚刚更新 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:420 移动端


1.Do I need to pay health surcharge if I am applying for an extended short-term study visa up to 11 months?如果我打算申请最长11个月的延长短期学习签证,我是否需要支付医疗附加费?

No, you do not. Please always use the health surcharge calculator to check if you are required to pay the health surcharge and the exact amount you need to pay.


2.Can students register twice on health surcharge payment portal?学生可以在健康附加费付费网站上注册两次吗?

Yes, they can.


3.What s the amount of health surcharge students are required to pay?学生需要支付的医疗附加费的金额是多少?

The health surcharge is set at 150 per year for Tier 4 students. Students are required to pay the full amount of health surcharge which covers the entire period of permission to stay in the UK. Students could use the health surcharge calculator on Gov.UK to calculate the amount they are required to pay.


4.Will my visa application be affected if the location of application I chose on the health surcharge payment portal is different from the location of the VAC where I will lodge my application?如果我在医疗附加费付费网站上选择的申请地点不同于我递交申请的英国签证申请中心,这样会影响我的签证申请吗?

No. Currently, the health surcharge payment portal and the online application system are two separate systems.


5When will the 30-day vignette start to be valid?有效期为的30天签证页从何时开始生效?

The 30-day vignette will start to be valid from the intended travel date applicants provided on the visa application form. That is why it is important applicants supply an accurate travel date.


6.Can you clarify the 28-day and 31-day requirement for evidence of finance?您可以解释资金证明中的28天和31天要求吗?

The bank-slip, bank statement or certificate of deposit must show that you have held the required money for (at least) a consecutive 28 day period which ends within the 31 day period bore you paid your visa fee online. For example if you paid your fee online on 1st December 2014, the bank-slip, bank statement or certificate of deposit you submit must show that you held the required money for (at least) a 28 day period that ended between the 1st and 31st November 2014.


7.How do I demonstrate my English language ability when applying for a Tier 4 General visa in China?当在中国申请第四层级(普通类)学生签证时,我应该如何证明我的英语语言能力?

If you wish to study a course which is at or above degree level, you must be proficient in English language at CEFR B2 level in all four components (speaking, listening, reading and writing). If you wish to study below degree level you must reach CEFR B1 level of English in all four components.


For courses below degree level (including foundation degrees and pre-sessional courses which are below QCF or NQF 6), a valid Secure English Language Test (SELT) IELTS is required to demonstrate your English language ability, regardless of whether your sponsor is an Higher Education Institution (HEI);


For courses at or above degree level offered by an HEI, the HEI can choose its own method to assess your English ability;


For courses offered by non-HEIs, a valid SELT IELTS is required to demonstrate your English language ability, regardless of the course level.


8.Can HEIs choose their own method to assess the English ability of their students who has been issued with a single CAS covering a pre-sessional and a main course which is at or above degree level?对于获得了涵盖学前英语语言课程以及学士学位或以上级别的主课程的单个录取确认函(CAS)的学生,高等教育机构是否可以选择自己的方式评估他们的英语能力?

For students whose single CAS has been offered unconditionally, HEIs can choose their own method of checking that a students English language ability is at CEFR level B2;


For students whose single CAS has been offered conditionally (those who do not yet meet B2 level requirement, but an HEI is satisfied that the student will reach the B2 level following a short pre-sessional English), a valid SELT is required to demonstrate students are proficient in English at B1 level.


For an HEI to issue a single CAS covering a pre-sessional and a main course, the pre-sessional must be no more than three months long, end no more than one month bore the main degree course, and be taken with the same HEI or with a teaching partner named on the HEI s licence.


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