


2017/07/05 11:04:26 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:210 移动端
留学美国已经成为大多数同学的选择,赴开销较高,读时一定尽量学到更多知识才是明智的选择,美国大学留学双学位不仅可以学到更多知识,同时也有不少好处,下面澳际专家为大家详细的介绍。 和其他国家的高等教育不一样,美国大学会在入学考试后再给你一次灵活选择专业的机会,甚至允许你同时主修两个专业。双学位能给国际学生带来如下一些好处: 1. Specialization of two areas that can directly compliment each other: If you major in two related academic disciplines with overlapping concepts, such as economics and finance, biology and chemistry or history and political science, your understanding of both majors will help you tackle each subject more easily.In terms of maximizing ficiency in completing your two degrees, you also benit from using cross-listed courses to fulfill the degree requirements for each major. You end up reducing the total amount of time or number of credits needed to complete your dual degree. For international students, many of whom face high costs to attend school outside their home country, a dual degree can help them get the most out of a U.S. education. 1. 主修的专业之间可能会相互促进 如果你你主修的两个专业之间是有很多叠加概念的相关课程,比如经济和金融、生物和化学,或者历史和政治,你对其中一门课程的理解能让你更容易地理解另一门课程。此外,通过主修两门课程,你也可以减少获得双学位的总时间和总学分。 对于国际学生来说,留学美国面临很高的开支,而攻读双学位可以让他们的付出得到更多回报。 2. Multiple skill sets: Speaking from the perspective of a dual-degree senior at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, studying business and art history, these two seemingly distinct areas have helped me develop into a well-rounded person. Solving business cases and building financial models sharpen my quantitative thinking. But at the same time, I am also strengthening my qualitative skills through extensive reading and writing for my art history papers. 2. 获得多种技能 密歇根大学安娜堡分校的一位大四学生主修了两门并不相关的课程:商业和艺术历史,但他说这样让自己获得了多方位的技能。通过对解决商业问题和建构金融模型的学习,锻造了他的定量思维;而通过对艺术历史的广泛阅读和写作,则锻炼了他的定性技能。 3. More career options: If you study business and history of art, for example, you are preparing for career opportunities in a business corporation or in an art institution. Your academic profile may give you the additional option of working in the art auction industry, which marries your knowledge and skill set from both business and art history. Some employers also value candidates broad knowledge base and ability to contribute transferable skills in the workplace. Having experience in two areas can also be helpful when it comes to networking, a plus for international students who will be looking to stay in the States after graduation. 3. 更多的职业选择 比方说,如果你同时主修商业和艺术历史,那么你就既可以选择在商业公司工作,又可以选择在艺术部门工作 同时你还可以在艺术品拍卖行业工作,这样就结合了你两个专业的知识。一些雇主会考察应聘者是否有博学并在工作中自如转化所学知识。 4. A larger social circle: You make friends from two departments through taking many different courses and participating in extracurricular activities. My two groups of friends share different interests and viewpoints, encouraging me to explore things with a more open mind. For international students, having a larger social circle can help them adjust to life in the U.S. more easily, and find a place on campus. 4. 拥有个更大的社交圈 你可以在两个学院都交到很多朋友,这两个朋友圈拥有不同的兴趣和观点,这可以让你用一种更开放的思想探索事物。 对于国际学生来说,一个更大的社交圈能帮助他们更快地适应美国生活,并更快地在校园中找准自己的位置。 以上就是关于赴美国留学:美国大学双学位的优势的介绍,希望本篇文章能够为大家了解留学美国带来帮助,如果您还有关于美国留学的疑问,可以和澳际留学专家进行咨询。
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