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Conditional Offer到Full Acceptance!一步步教你拿到正式录取!这篇文章中,会介绍Conditional offer(后用CO简称)是什么,并且分享经验:从剑桥的conditional offer直到完全录取并且拿到全奖的过程。希望能帮助拿到Conditional Offer的你们。

1什么是Conditional Offer?

很多会给出Conditional Offer,只要达到一些固定的条件,就会给出正式offer。这些条件基本上包括了GPA(例如申请人必须达到3.7以上才可能拿到正式offer),TOEFL成绩(例如最低105),获奖情况(例如要拿到很高的奖项),或者考试成绩非常优异(例如要达到90%以上的分数)。

2为什么大学要发Conditional Offers?


3拿到Conditional Offer后,你能做什么?


在2010年的12月,Judge商学院给了我Conditional Offer,里面写着我必须达到3.8的GPA才能拿到正式Offer。我非常失望,因为我只剩下半年的时间,是无法将我的3.66的GPA提高到剑桥要求的水平。我去剑桥的梦想好像就要破碎了。我去找我的导师,Charles Lipson教授(帮我写推荐信的其中一位教授),然后他指导我说,的很多学校通常发出CO是为了保证学生在申请之后仍然可以保持有动力,继续去追求卓越。他建议我去申诉CO里面的要求,因为给出的要求在我有限的本科期限内,不是我努力就可以达到的。








Director Benn Lawson

University of Cambridge

Judge Business School

Office of Admissions

Dear Dr. Lawson

I have been issued a conditional offer based on graduating with a 3.8 cumulative GPA from the University of Chicago. I write today to appeal this condition and believe Cambridge should issue an unconditional offer based on the strength of my candidacy.

After 10 quarters at the University of Chicago I have earned a 3.66 GPA. With only two quarters and six classes remaining, it is statistically impossible for me to reach the 3.8 GPA threshold. Because it is unattainable, I believe the standard is unreasonable.

As you may know, the University of Chicago is a particularly rigorous institution and I have pushed myself each quarter with the most demanding course load. My analytical and quantitative abilities have significantly improved through the research and writing of my bachelor’s thesis on Sino-American maritime relations. An additional recommendation from my thesis proctor was emailed to you last week. I am including an early draft of my thesis for your rerence as well.

I have also successfully pursued numerous extracurricular activities that prepare me for leadership at Cambridge and in the business world. A full pross report on Moneythink, the NGO I co-founded, is included as an attachment to this email. I believe my passion for business and insights on entrepreneurship will make me a substantive contributor to the University of Cambridge‘s academic environment and social culture.

Cambridge is still my top choice and I will attend if granted an unconditional offer.

Sincere thanks for your consideration of this appeal. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Very respectfully,

Emily Kopchak

A.B., University of Chicago


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