您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 【预警】关于英国中国的全国性课程标准
There are fundamental similarities. For instance, all boys and girls must attend full-time education until the age of 16. Many pupils stay on at school after that age to prepare themselves for University or other careers. In the independent schools, most pupils stay at school until the age of 18 and nearly all pupils go on to universityafter they leave school.
Thereare also significant divergences between practice in England and Wales, on theone hand, and Scotland.
In England and Wales, the government introduced a National Curriculum in 1988.This provides a framework for education between the ages of 5 - 18. All state schools are required to follow it. Independent schools are not required to follow the National Curriculum in all its details, but they must show that they provide a good all-round education and they are inspected regularly every fewyears.
在英格兰和威尔士,政府与1988年引入了全国性课程(National Curriculum),这被作为5-18岁学生的主要教育框架。所有的公立学校都需要遵照该课程进行。私立学校则不需要完全按照该课程授课,但需证明为学生提供优良的全面教育,并且每隔几年需要接受审查。
The National Curriculum is constructed in five Key Stages:
全国性课程主要由5个关键阶段(Key Stage)组成:
Key Stage 1 - Foundation year and Years 1 to 2 - for pupils aged between 5 and 7years old
关键阶段1 - 学前班及一年级和二年级,学生年龄5-7岁。
Key Stage 2 - Years 3 to 6 - for pupils aged between 8 and 11 years old
关键阶段2 –三年级到六年级,学生年龄8-11岁。
Key Stage 3 - Years 7 to 9 - for pupils aged between 12 and 14 years old,
关键阶段3- 七年级到九年级,学生年龄12-14岁。
Key Stage 4 - Years 10 to 11 - for pupils aged between 15 and 16 years old, and
关键阶段4 – 十年级到十一年级,学生年龄15-16岁。
Key Stage 5 - Years 12 to 13 - for pupils aged between 17 and 18 years old.
关键阶段5- 十二年级到十三年级,学生年龄17-18岁。
In state schools each year that a pupil studies is given a number. Primary education starts in Year 1. Most pupils begin their secondary education at the age of 11 (Year 7). At the age of 16 (the end of Key stage 4 and Year 11), all pupils take a series of exams called the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), usually in about eight to ten subjects, which must include English and Mathematics. Key Stage 5 is for pupils aged 16-18 (sometimes 19) and most schools take Advanced Level exams after a two-year course.
在公立学校里,不同教育阶段以年级划分。小学从一年级开始。大部分学生在11岁时开始接受中学教育,也就是七年级。当学生16岁时(也就是关键阶段4即十一年级时),所有的学生将通过一些列GCSE的考试,该考试通常包括八到十门学科,其中一定包括英语和数学。关键阶段5(Key stage 5)通常针对16到18岁或者19岁的学生,大部分学生在两年的课程之后参加A Level考试。
In Scotland, pupils move to secondary education at the age of 12. At the age of 16they take exams called Standard Grades and then move on to Highers and Advanced Highers. These are very similar to the English Advanced Subsidiary and AdvancedLevel courses.
i) Advanced Subsidiary (AS): At the start of the Advanced Level programme (Key Stage 5), nearly all pupils study four subjects, and they are able to gain qualifications in these subjects at the end of the year. These are known as Advanced Subsidiary Levels (AS Levels). Sometimes pupils are able to study five subjects, but this will depend on the different programme of each school. After AS Levels, pupils drop one subject and usually continue their second year of the course in three subjects to Advanced level also called A2 level. Universities use Advanced Levels as entry qualifications.
AS课程:在A Level课程的开始阶段,学生一般都会选择四门课并在该学年结束时获取相应的成绩。根据不同学校的不同规定,有些学生可以选择学习五门课。在A2,也就是A Level的第二学年时,通常学生会从AS所学的四门课中选择三门课进一步学习。英国大学将A Level的成绩作为学生申请入学的主要参考标准。
ii) Scottish Highers: Students will take at least five subjects at Higher Level, reducing to three or four for their Advanced Higher courses.
iii) International Baccalaureate (IB): International Baccalaureate is a parallel course to Advanced Levels and equally well used by universities for entry qualifications. The IB requires students to take courses in six subjects, three at higher level and three at lower level. Students are also required to take a course in the theory of knowledge, to write a long essay and to undertake some community service. This course is very similar to the Baccalaureate courses which are commonly studied in Europe.
IB:IB课程与A Level课程同步,也是大学作为入学参考的重要标准。就读IB课程的学生需要学习六门课,其中三门高等课程三门初等课程。学生还需要学习知识论、提交大论文及参与社会实践活动。这与欧洲地区学习的中学课程极为相似。
Each school organises its timetable differently. Lessons might last 35, 40, 45, 55 or 60 minutes! For each subject, a student will attend classes for about 5 hours a week, and is also expected to undertake at least 6 hours private study. Students will usually also attend classes in General Studies, or Philosophy, or other similar subjects. There will also be time given to Physical Education or Sport, whether or not these are taken as subjects for studying. In England and Wales and in some Scottish schools the two years of Advanced Level, or International Baccalaureate study are often called 'Six Form', but - once again - each school is different!
每所学校对于课程表的安排都有所不同。一堂课的时间通常是35分钟、40分钟、45分钟、55分钟或60分钟不等。每门课,学生每周有5小时左右的上课时间,及至少6小时的自习时间。通常,学生也需要学习通识学、哲学或者其他类似的课程。学校也会开设体育课。在英格兰和威尔士及部分苏格兰的学校,两年的A Level课程或IB课程一般被称为Sixth Form(类似于国内的高中),但是同样的,每个学校会根据情况不同有所差别。
Along with sport, schools offer a substantial programme of "extra-curricular activities"; that is, activities which are able to offer students a wide range of experiences, intellectual, cultural and relaxing. Music, drama, science and literary societies are offered in all schools, and there will be opportunities for outdoor education and other leisure activities. Visits to theatres and concerts, to places relevant to the courses of study (such as art galleries and museums, religious centres or historical sites, scientific companies and projects) are all part of life in a school Sixth Form.
除了体育之外,学校也提供课外活动以丰富学生的课余生活。所有的学校都开设音乐、戏剧、科学和文学社团,同时也开始户外活动及其他活动。在Sixth Form学校中,由学校组织带学生参观剧院和欣赏音乐会,去美术馆、博物馆、宗教中心及历史遗迹学习相关知识都是学习生活的重要组成部分。
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