


2017/06/29 11:35:01 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:226 移动端

几天前,偶然接到了一个电话: 我现在是大四的学生,在北京读书,我想去英国读书,我的一个朋友王同学介绍让我找你 。王同学?听到这个名字仿佛又回到了两年前。我忙说 他还好吗?由于我原来的MSN号坏掉了,所以很遗憾地与他失去了联系。 恩,他挺好的,他让我代问你好 。


Hi Gong Wei,

How are you? Do you still remember me? You gave me great help regarding application of MA Interior Design in Uni of Brighton, UK. Now I have got 'Distinction' on my dissertation, and I am working in Architects office in Brighton now, while many people are losing job in UK now.

I asked one of my friends to contact you with regard to her application. Hope she would get your help.

Thank you! Keep in touch.

Kind regards






Today - 31 July, 2009 - I am graduated!!

I was so so so so Happy Happy Happy Happy today! Ha Ha, I was graduated from MA Interior design, University of Brighton! So excited and delighted! I am the top of my class. 'Distinction' is on my Graduation Certificate, and nobody else has it. Here, I with my heart thank everyone who gave me help, no matter big or small, especially my parents and my Bro. You know what? My cheek is still a bit painful, because I laughed a lot in my big day, even now, Ha Ha Ha..........

Eddy Bear @!@..

31 July, 2009

Today is big day!!!

Today, 3rd of July, 2009 - the big day for me. I get the Grade 'A' with Distinction of my Masterwork, and Grade 'A' of first academic year, which mean the first phase has been completed successfully - it is worth for all forts - encouragement from my dear Bro and Parents, supports from my lovely friends, also I can't forget my dear tutors Andrew, Sally, Frank, Sue, Mark and Neil. Thank you so much for everything you all did for me from 15th of October, 2006, when I first arrived in England, in beautiful Brighton.

Meanwhile, the end of first phase means the beginning of second phase, the beginning of new challenge!

Come on!

Thank you all!

Eddie Wang

3rd July. 2009



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