


2017/06/29 10:31:44 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:439 移动端

2012年 2011年 学校名称 学生满意度 入学标准 科研水平 毕业生的就业前景 总得分 1 1 Cambridge 524 2.65 74 100.0 2 3 London School of Economics 3.9 431 2.40 76 93.2 3 5 Durham 4.0 428 2.65 70 93.0 4 2 Warwick 4.0 417 2.70 62 91.7 5 3 Bath 3.8 364 3.10 66 91.4 6 7 Surrey 4.1 356 2.75 64 90.8 7 13 Lancaster 4.0 362 2.80 62 90.4 8 6 Edinburgh 3.9 429 2.75 54 90.2 9 18 SOAS 4.0 2.95 89.8 10 10 Sussex 4.2 351 2.55 58 89.4 11 13 York 4.0 351 2.85 54 88.9 12 23 Strathclyde 4.0 377 1.95 64 88.8 13 22 Shfield 3.8 369 2.80 56 88.8 14 13 Exeter 4.2 376 2.70 48 88.7 15 16 Loughborough 4.0 364 2.40 58 88.5 16 8 Bristol 3.8 365 2.40 60 88.3 17 20 Bolton 4.3 2.25 88.2 18 28 Kent 3.9 306 2.95 56 88.1 19 12 Essex 4.0 322 2.85 54 88.0 20 9 Leeds 3.7 368 2.95 50 87.9 21 30 Keele 4.0 288 2.75 56 87.5 22 25 Cardiff 3.8 359 2.70 50 87.4 23 37 Portsmouth 3.9 297 2.40 62 87.4 24 16 Southampton 4.0 382 2.83 40 87.2 25 28 Newcastle 3.9 368 2.50 48 87.0 26 19 Stirling 4.0 321 2.60 52 87.0 27 10 Lester 4.1 343 2.10 86.9 28 21 Nottingham 3.7 345 2.50 54 86.8 29 34 Manchester 3.5 395 2.85 46 86.7 30 24 Birmingham 3.9 359 1.95 56 86.6 31 27 Glasgow 3.9 405 2.25 44 86.5 32 36 Aston 3.9 344 1.85 58 86.1 33 31 Aberdeen 4.1 300 2.60 46 85.8 34 40 Edinburgh Napier 4.1 278 1.55 66 85.7 35 42 City 3.9 334 2.30 48 85.5 36 33 Northumbria 4.1 288 2.20 52 85.3 37 40 East Anglia 4.2 353 54 85.0 38 26 Goldsmiths College 3.7 287 2.85 46 84.9 39 48 Birmingham City 4.3 235 2.15 52 84.4 40 31 Queen's, Belfast 3.5 312 2.60 46 84.2 41 34 Brunel 3.7 291 2.45 48 84.1 42 43 Salford 4.1 277 2.45 40 83.6 43 38 Liverpool 3.8 351 1.95 40 83.1 44 44 Glasgow Caledonian 3.9 284 2.15 44 83.1 45 45 Bangor 3.8 274 2.20 46 83.0 46 55 Ulster 4.1 248 2.65 36 82.9 47 64 Huddersfield 4.1 235 1.70 54 82.9 48 47 Brighton 3.9 283 2.21 42 82.8 49 57 Worcester 4.0 272 54 82.5 50 50 Staffordshire 4.0 207 1.85 54 82.5 51 59 East London 4.0 185 2.20 52 82.4 52 52 Lincoln 4.1 268 52 82.3 53 52 Plymouth 3.6 283 2.15 46 82.2 54 55 Chester 3.7 275 58 82.2 55 50 Bedfordshire 4.1 193 2.50 40 81.8 56 46 Robert Gordon 4.1 226 1.40 54 81.7 57 66 Canterbury Christ Church 3.9 217 60 81.7 58 49 Nottingham Trent 3.8 250 56 81.4 59 52 Teesside 3.7 230 1.95 50 81.4 60 59 Manchester Metropolitan 3.8 266 2.15 40 81.4 61 68 Coventry 4.0 272 48 81.2 62 69 Shfield Hallam 3.8 266 52 81.1 63 38 Oxford Brookes 3.6 327 2.01 34 81.0 64 65 Bath Spa 3.9 290 46 80.9 65 62 Greenwich 3.9 196 1.85 48 80.6 66 63 Hull 4.0 260 46 80.5 67 79 Leeds Metropolitan 3.9 262 46 80.2 68 57 Central Lancashire 4.1 259 42 80.1 69 75 West of England, Bristol 3.9 277 1.65 38 80.1 70 76 Westminster 3.7 241 50 79.9 71 86 Abertay Dundee 236 52 79.8 72 61 Glamorgan 3.7 234 50 79.7 73 73 Edge Hill 3.9 245 79.4 74 79 Gloucestershire 3.7 268 79.4 75 81 Middlesex 3.9 190 48 78.8 76 - West of Scotland 230 48 78.6 77 67 Kingston 3.7 221 1.70 38 78.5 78 72 Roehampton 3.6 223 2.05 34 78.4 79 77 Anglia Ruskin 4.0 233 36 78.1 80 77 Buckinghamshire New 3.8 209 42 77.9 81 82 Derby 3.8 231 36 77.4 82 87 Liverpool John Moores 4.0 241 30 77.4 83 82 Bradford 3.8 189 42 77.3 84 71 Northampton 3.9 219 34 77.2 85 84 Sunderland 3.9 224 1.45 32 77.1 86 74 London South Bank 3.7 167 42 76.7 87 84 London Metropolitan 3.5 214 40 76.6 88 69 St Mary's 3.9 243 26 76.2 89 88 Cumbria 3.5 179 75.6

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