


2017/06/29 10:03:02 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:335 移动端

 澳际小编为您整理了2013春季课程信息,包括商学院,计算机学院,工程学院,环境学院等学院的课程信息。经过100多年的发展,现已发展成为一个拥有七大学院(人文 社会科学学院、艺术和设计学院、教育和社会研究学院、工程及物理学院、法律和财会学院、生命科学学院,以及医学、牙医和护理学院)和12000名学生和3900名教职员工的综合性大学。开设2013春季课程的专业有: International Business (MSc)

Professional Accountancy (MSc)

School of Computing

Business Intelligence (MSc)

Computing Research (MSc)

Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP)

Climate Change Energy Law Policy (LLM / PGDip)

Energy Law Policy (LLM / PGDip)

Energy Law Policy (by distance learning) (LLM / PGDip)

Environmental Law Policy (LLM / PGDip)

International Comparative Nuclear Law Policy (LLM / PGDip)

International Business Law Transactions (LLM / PGDip)

International Dispute Resolution Management (LLM / PGDip)

Mineral Law Policy (LLM / PGDip)

Natural Resources Law Policy (LLM / PGDip)

Petroleum Law Policy (LLM / PGDip)

Petroleum Taxation Finance (LLM / PGDip)

International Mineral Resources Management (MBA / PGDip / PGCert)

International Oil Gas Management (MBA / PGDip / PGCert)

Climate Change Economics Policy (MSc)

Energy Studies (MSc / PGDip)

Energy Studies (by distance learning) (MSc / PGDip)

Energy Studies with Specialisation in Energy the Environment (MSc / PGDip)

Energy Studies with Specialisation in Energy Economics (MSc / PGDip)

Energy Studies with Specialisation in Energy Finance (MSc / PGDip)

Energy Studies with Specialisation in Energy Policy (MSc / PGDip)

Energy Studies with Specialisation in Oil Gas Economics (MSc / PGDip)

International Oil Gas Management (MSc / PGDip / PGCert)

School of Engineering, Physics Mathematics

Biomedical Engineering (MSc)

Medical Imaging (MSc)

School of the Environment

Spatial Planning with Environmental Assessment (MSc / PGDip)

Spatial Planning with Marine Spatial Planning (MSc / PGDip)

Spatial Planning with Sustainable Urban Design (MSc / PGDip)

Spatial Planning with Urban Conservation (MSc / PGDip)

School of Law

Comparative European Private International Law (LLM)

Corporate Commercial Law (LLM)

Environmental Law (LLM)

International Commercial Law (LLM)

International Criminal Justice Human Rights (LLM)

International Law (LLM)

Law (General) (LLM)

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Advanced Practice (MSc) course listings

Nursing (Masters / PGDip / PGCert) (NLNAC Accredited)

Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science

Water Law (LLM / PGDip / PGCert)

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