

2017年英国留学 巴斯大学提高对年学生的入学要求

2017/06/29 10:01:50 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:190 移动端




2. We expect a minimum of at least 80% and the most popular programmes will expect a much higher (85% ). Requirements for universities in the top 200 but outside the 211/985 are usually higher than for universities in the 211/985 group.


3. We look very carully at the exact courses on the transcript and expect high grades (80% ) for the key modules. For example, an applicant for a finance programme will be expected to have a lot of mathematical courses at very high grades. Not enough high grades in key courses is the most common reason for rejection on any MSC programme.


4. Work experience will not compensate for low academic scores especially if the programme is designed for fresh graduates and does not require work experience.


5. We can only consider an application for the named programme. Our admissions staff do not have the capacity to suggest an alternative programme. In most cases, if a student is not successful it is because the university/grades are not good enough and so they will not be eligible for any programme at Bath. There is no point in re-sending for a similar programme as they will usually be rejected again.


6. Due to the number of applications, we are not able to give reasons for rejections or to pre-screen documents bore application.



位于英格 兰西南部的巴斯,人口总数约为85,000,是英国最有趣的城市之一。 巴斯的繁荣多半归功于它拥有英国唯一的温泉, 事实上,古典的建筑以及古罗马帝国所遗留的温泉浴池早已使巴斯成为举世闻名的观光胜地,它不仅获联合国文教组织评定为世界三大古迹之一,更是全英国唯一获 此殊荣的城市。 造型典雅的建筑物,繁花盛开的公园以及随处可见的绿地,加上贯穿市区的雅文河让巴斯尽显优雅迷人的气息。 英国十九世纪初著名的小说家珍.奥斯汀也曾住在这里,她将十八世纪的巴斯融入她的小说中,像是游泳、散步、舞会和聚会,使得巴斯成为时髦之地。

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