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工科授课型研究生:IELTS 6.5分;托福纸笔考试580分,网考92分。

理科/人文学科/生命科学授课型研究生:IELTS 6.5分;托福纸笔考试580分,网考92分。



伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(Queen Mary-University of London)建校于1880年,是伦敦大学最大的学院。在质量评估中成绩优异,是世界上公认的优秀教学和科研院校。学院拥有世界著名的巴兹伦敦医学牙科学院,是医学与牙科的重要教学和科研中心。该院设有200多个学位的课程,研究水平很高,近年的全英大学评比中,多数部门的研究评估分为5或5*。在最近的世界前200所大学排名中,名列第100名,在英国排名第14位(2004年《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》);其毕业生起点工资则在英国排名第2名(2004年《星期日泰晤士报大学指南》

伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院是伦敦大学联合体中规模最大的学院之一,同时也是伦敦大学联盟中唯一的校园式大学,与伦敦大学的另外三个学院:UCL, Imperial College, King s 并列为伦敦大学联盟的四大核心学院。伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院是由玛丽皇后学院,Westfield学院,St Bartholomew s医学院以及创立于1785年被誉为英格兰医学院之父的London Hospital Medical College合并成立。伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的主校园坐落于伦敦东区的Mile End, 其他3个校区皆位于伦敦东区中心地带。学校现有学生近10,000多人,包括来自100多个国家,超过1,000多人的留学生。伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院已加入英国顶尖大学联盟罗素集团。




MSc FT Accounting and Finance 18,050

MSc FT Accounting and Management 16,750

MRes FT Business and Management 16,750

MSc FT International Business 16,750

MSc FT International Financial Management 16,750

MSc FT International Human Resource Management and Employment Relations 16,750

MSc FT Management 16,750

MSc FT Management and Organisational Innovation 16,750

MSc FT Marketing 16,750

MPA FT Public Administration 18,050

PGDip FT Public Administration12,050

PGCert FT Public Administration 6,050


MSc FT Banking18,550

MSc FT Banking and Finance 18,550

MSc FT Economics 16,000

MRes FT Economics 16,000

MSc FT Finance18,550

MSc FT Finance (CFA Pathway) 19,600

MRes FT Finance16,000

MSc FT Finance and Econometrics16,000

MSc FT Investment and Finance 18,550


LLM FT Law and Economics 18,000

LLM FT Laws - all specialisms 18,000

LLM FT Laws (Paris) 16,000

MSc FT Law and Finance 18,000

MSc FT Law and Finance (Banking and Financial Services) 18,000

M3S4 MSc FT Law and Finance (Law and Corporate Finance) 18,000

MSc FT Law and Finance (Law and Financial Regulation) 18,000

MSc FT Management of Intellectual Property 7,085 12,530

MSc PT Management of Intellectual Property 3,545 6,265 3,545 6,265

PGDip FT International Dispute Resolution (Arbitration)9,000

PGDip FT International Dispute Resolution (Mediation) 9,000

PGDip FT International Finance Law 9,000


MSc FT Aquatic Ecology by Research16,450

MSc FT Bioinformatics 16,450

MSc FT Chemical Research16,450

MSc FT Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics 16,450

MSc FT Ecology Evolutionary Biology16,450

PgCert FT Ecology Evolutionary Biology 5,500

MSc FT Freshwater and Marine Ecology 16,450

PGCert FT Freshwater and Marine Ecology5,500

MSc FT Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and Conservation 16,450


MSc FT Big Data Science 16,450

MSc FT Big Data Science with Industrial Experience 16,450

MSc FT Computer Science 16,450

MSc FT Computer Science with Industrial Experience 16,450

MSc FT Computer Science by Research 16,450

MSc FT Computer Vision 16,450

MSc FT Computer Vision with Industrial Experience 16,450

MSc FT Computing and Information Systems 16,450

MSc FT Computing and Information Systems with Industrial Experience 16,450

MSc FT Digital Signal Processing 16,450

MSc FT Digital Signal Processing with Industrial Experience 16,450

MSc FT Electronic Engineering by Research 16,450

MSc FT Media and Arts Technology by Research 16,450

MSc FT Mobile and Wireless Networks 16,450

MSc FT Mobile and Wireless Networks with Industrial Experience 16,450

MSc FT Software Engineering 16,450

MSc FT Software Engineering with Industrial Experience 16,450

MSc FT Sound and Music Computing 16,450

MSc FT Sound and Music Computing with ndustrial Experience 16,450

MSc FT Telecommunication Systems 16,450

MSc FT Telecommunication Systems with Industrial Experience 16,450

MSc FT Telecommunication Systems Management16,450

MSc FT Telecommunication Systems Management with Industrial Experience16,450








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