您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 美剧里是这么发短信的,那些过于简单的缩写,你认识吗?
1ce once
3sum threesome
911 emergency call me
b be b/c because b4 bore b4n or bfn bye for now bbl be back late(r) bcnu be seeing you b day birthday bhl8 be home late bil boss is listening brb be right back btdt been there done that btw by the way buzz off buzz off
da the don doing dylm do you like me
f2f face to face f2t free to talk fotflol falling on the floor, laughing out loud fyi for your information
h8 hate hak hugs and kisses hand have a nice day hot4u hot for you how r u how are you hp handphone
j/k just kidding jhb johannesburg jic just in case jk just kdding
l8 late l8er later l8r later l n landing ldn london lol laughing out loud or loads of love luv love lv love lyn lying
n and n case in case n/a not applicable ne any ne1 anyone nethng anything niting anything no1 no one nufn nothing np no problem nvm never mind
paw parents are watching pcm please call me pcme please call me pl planned pls please plz please plz4gv me please forgive me po$bl possible ppl people prl parents are listening puks pick up kids
shopn shopping sit stay in touch soz sorry spk speak stfu shut the flip up sum1 someone
u you ur your ura* you are a star uraqt you are a cutie
x kiss xlnt excellent xoxox hugs and kisses
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲