


2017/06/28 19:03:34 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:315 移动端

在申请中还没有得到普遍的认可,那么美国哪些大学认可成绩,成绩要求又是多少呢?下面我们一起来看一下。 院校名称(英文) 分数要求(本科课程) 分数要求(研究生课程) University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaigno 伊利诺大学香槟分校 6.5 (no subscore below 6.0) Graduate Admission: 6.5 (no subscore below 6.0)

Purdue University - Main Campus 普渡大学 6.5 6.5

Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science: Contact school for score

Graduate School of Journalism: 8.5

School of International and Public Affairs: 7.0

Anderson School of Management: 7.0

College of Dentistry, BA Dental Hygiene: 6.5 Graduate Admission: 7.0

Master of Business Administration: Contact school for score

Master of Labor and Human Resources: 7.5

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 密西根大学安娜堡分校 6.5 Graduate Admission: 6.5

School of Social Work: 7.0

Michigan State University 6.5 Graduate Admission: 6.5

Hough Graduate School of Business, Warrington College of Business Administration: 6.0

School of Law: 7.0

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 6.5

School of Education: 6.5 (7.0 for TESOL)

School of Public Health: 6.0

University of Florida 6 Graduate Admission: 6.0

University of Texas - Austin 6.5 Graduate Admission: 6.5

University of Texas at Austin, School of Law (Master of Law Program): 7.0

Smeal College of Business (Master of Business Administration

Northeastern University 东北大学 6 Bouve College of Health Sciences: 7.0

School of Arts and Sciences: 6.5

Sciences in Marine Biology: 6.5

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 明尼苏达大学 6.5 (contact school for score) Graduate Admission: 6.5

School of Journalism and Mass Communication: Contact school

School of Public Health: 7.0

Arizona State Universit 6 Graduate Admission: 6.5

Sandra Day O Connor College of Law: 6.5 (no subscore below

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