


2017/06/28 17:29:55 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:67 移动端

选择最适合自己的而不是选择最好的 ,这看似是一句心灵鸡汤式的场面话,但真的有人这么做了,而且他还无比优秀。Kevin Cao就是这样一个传奇式的学霸男孩,但不同于一般的学霸,他还很有自己的想法。拒绝哈佛的offer在常人看来简直无法理解,但于他而言却是理所应当的选择。不是因为哈佛不好,而是他没那么喜欢哈佛,而且显然他还有更适合自己的选择。在选择大学这件事上,他给自己出的七个问题也值得我们共同思考。

谁会拒掉哈佛的Offer?还真有人就这么做了,就是上图中的这位仁兄了(他的名字是Kevin Cao,而且是的,他是名华裔)。



虽然这不是本文的重点。其实小编给大家分享这篇文章,不是要去说又一个学霸的故事,但这里,我们还是先俗套地来感受下学霸的 霸 吧:


Cao在高中第一年就创立了一个公益性组织Growth and Inspiration through Volunteering and Education (GIVE),这是一个通过高中生志愿者为低年级学生提供免费辅导服务的组织,最终在北弗吉尼亚地区发展了13个教学中心。这也是他能够被诸多名校录取的一个关键经历(社会责任感、领导力,这些都是非常看重的素质)。

Most of you must think I m crazy for turning down Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, etc. to go to UVA, but read this letter I wrote explaining my choice and always remember: It s not about where you go, it s about what you do while you re there And how happy you are!

Several alumni who came back to talk to us were asked the question of why they chose Harvard. Most dlected the question with the standard because it s Harvard, which I personally do not think is a valid response. There s more to a school than its name.

As a high schooler ensnared in the hype of college decisions, it s easy to get caught up in the name of a school after the excitement of senior year, you will be spending the next four years at that school, for better or worse. And while it s nice to tell family, friends and strangers you meet in public that you go to Harvard, all that prestige fades as soon as you step foot on campus.

I was looking for schools that provided a challenging academic program that also provides a social scene,

平衡 、 全面考虑 ,这个词我们似乎也很少在学校选择过程中加以考虑。Cao的这些话确实是给了我们一些提醒,在追求高质量的学术项目的同时,你在学校里会有的社交体验也需要加以考虑,也就是说你在未来四年的方方面面都要考虑清楚。

At the Harvard Admitted Students event for the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan area, the first thing that struck me was how affluent and for lack of a better word somewhat pretentious the students and alumni were,


I chose to attend UVA because it offers the best undergraduate experience, unparalleled opportunities (during my time at UVA, for grad school, and career-wise) and the best quality of life (in terms of community, balance of academic and social scene, and personal development),

写到这里,我首先想说的是:Cao拒绝哈佛,并不是因为哈佛是一所不好的学校。作为美国几乎最知名的大学,哈佛自然是由其独特之处。而关键的原因是,Cao 认为哈佛并不适合自己。而 适合 这两字也是江老师希望赠予每一个在选择学校的同学,期望你们也能够像Cao那样去从自己的想法和感受出发,作出最 适合 自己的选择。

Where will I be happiest? 我会快乐吗?

Where will I regret most not going? 那所学校如果我不去会最后悔?

Where will I be able to change the world? 去哪里我能改变世界?

What school will offer the best undergrad experience for me? 那所学校能给我最好的本科生活体验?

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