


2017/06/28 16:15:11 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:87 移动端

一名来自北达科塔的17岁高中生,Martin Altenburg,今年申请季,共收到了12封来自美国最一流名校的offer,8所藤校全部集齐,另外,还有斯坦福、MIT、加州理工和芝加哥大学,简直流弊到不行。



My favorite time to run is at night.

I cross over the bridge into Minnesota. Out of my three sports, cross country is dinitely my worst but I continue to be hooked on it. Unlike swimming and track, my motivation to run is heavily intrinsic. I live for the long runs I take on by myself. While they rarely happen during our season, we were assigned a long run to complete over our first weekend of cross country. In reality, I was supposed to go six miles, but felt eight gave me more time to explore the home I had just returned to. My mind begins to wander as I once again find my rhythm.

I turn south onto a highway heading towards downtown. The dark night sky is broken by the oncoming light pollution. While I ve longed for a road trip across the country, the neon lights from Sunset Lanes will have to do for Las Vegas. Turning west, I see a man and perk up as I try to look more menacing than I really am. But I relinquish. I realize that I did such an act simply because of the color of his skin. I kick myself for reverting to passive racism something I spent much of the summer trying to overcome.

The remaining part of my run is short and uneventful. The fact that the traffic lights have switched to blinking yellow and red means that I have been out later than usual. When I get home, I find that my run took somewhere around an hour I honestly don t care about time during my distance runs. Longs runs are often seen as a runner battling the distance rather than time. But for me, long runs are a journey both physically and mentally. Each time I run a route, I understand my surroundings and city more and more, and couldn t be more excited and sad to know that I m leaving this place in a year s time.


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