


刚刚更新 编辑: 新西兰 浏览次数:93 移动端













  学生在3年里需修满360学分,其中100level课程不超过180学分,300level课程至少75学分,至少有240学分是来自商科课程。Schedule中Part 1 的核心课程属必修,且至少修习一个专业。



  1. 200level至少45学分

  2. 300level 至少60学分

  3. Part 2里的必修课


  Accountancy 会计

  Business Information Systems 商业信息系统

  Communication 沟通

  Economics 经济学

  Entrepreneurship and Small Business 企业家精神和小企业

  Finance 金融学

  Human Resource Management 人力资源管理

  International Business 国际商务

  Management 管理学

  Marketing 市场营销

  Valuation and Property Management 评估与资产管理



  Part 1


  115.101Statistics for Business15 商业统计学

  115.102Accounting15 会计

  115.103Legal and Social Environment of Business15 商业的法律和社会环境

  115.104Principles of Marketing15 市场营销原理

  115.105Fundamentals of Finance15 金融基础

  115.106Economics15 经济学

  115.107Management Information Systems15 管理信息系统

  115.108Organisations and Management15 组织和管理

  Part 2


  Accountancy (120 credits) 会计

  (a) Compulsory papers (90 credits):必修课

  110.109Introductory Financial Accounting15 财务会计介绍

  110.209Intermediate Financial Accounting15 中级财务会计

  110.229Management Accounting15 管理会计

  110.303Integrative Accounting15 综合会计

  110.309Advanced Financial Accounting15 高级财务会计

  110.329Advanced Management Accounting15 高级管理会计

  (b) Elective 200-level papers (15 credits): 200level选修课

  110.249Accounting Information Systems15 会计信息系统

  110.279Auditing15 审计

  110.289Taxation15 税务

  (c) Elective 300-level papers (15 credits): 300level选修课

  110.369Forensic Accounting15 法务会计

  110.379Advanced Auditing15 高级审计

  110.389Advanced Taxation15 高级税务

  Agribusiness (90 credits) (no new enrolments from 2012)2012年起不再招收

  Business Information Systems (120 credits)商业信息系统

  (a) Compulsory papers (90 credits):必修课

  152.252Project Management15 项目管理

  152.261International Business15 国际商务

  157.240Social Media Networks for Business15 商业社交媒体网络

  157.241Information Systems, Organisations and E-Commerce15 信息系统,组织和电子商务

  157.340Organisational Knowledge Management15 组织知识管理

  157.341Strategic Management for Information Systems15 信息系统战略管理

  (b) Elective papers (30 credits): 选修课

  152.304Managing Services15 管理服务

  152.350Strategic Management and Governance15 战略管理和监管

  157.325Information Management Project15 信息管理项目

  Business Law minor (60 credits) 商业法副修

  (a) Compulsory papers (15 credits): 必修课

  155.202Essentials of Law15 法律概要

  (b) Elective papers (45 credits) 选修课

  110.289Taxation15 税务

  110.380Estate and Tax Planning15 地产和税务规划

  110.389Advanced Taxation15 高级税务

  155.201Law of Property15 物权法

  155.203Law of Business Organisations15 商业组织法

  155.210Commercial Law15 商业法

  155.301Employment Law15 劳动法

  155.313Commercial Transactions Contrary to Conscience15 违背良心的商业交易

  155.315Sport Law15 体育法

  Communication (120 credits) 沟通

  (a) Compulsory papers (60 credits): 必修课

  219.204News Media Processes15 新闻媒体过程

  219.209Public Relations Practice15 公共关系实践

  219.303Organisational Communication15 组织沟通

  219.305Public Relations Management15 公共关系管理

  (b) Elective 200-level papers (30 credits): 200level 选修课

  219.202Professional and E-Business Writing15 专业和电子商务写作

  219.203Business Communication15 商业沟通

  219.205Professional Presentations in Business15 商务专业演示

  219.206Communication and Technological Change15 沟通和科技改变

  (c) Elective 300-level papers (30 credits): 300level 选修课

  219.302Gender and Communication in Organisations15 组织中的性别和沟通

  219.304Cross-Cultural Communication15跨文化交流

  219.307Interpersonal Communication15 人际交流

  219.335Media Law and Ethics15 媒体道德与法


  Economics (120 credits) 经济学

  (a) Compulsory papers (75 credits): 必修课

  178.100Principles of Macroeconomics15 宏观经济学原理

  178.200Intermediate Macroeconomics15 中级宏观经济学

  178.201Intermediate Microeconomics15 中级微观经济学

  178.300Advanced Macroeconomics15 高级宏观经济学

  178.301Advanced Microeconomics15 高级微观经济学

  (b) Elective 200-level papers (15 credits): 200level 选修课

  178.221Methods of Economic Analysis15 经济学分析方法

  178.250Contemporary Economic Issues15 当代经济学话题

  178.280Introduction to Econometrics15 计量经济学介绍

  (c) Elective 300-level papers (30 credits): 300level 选修课

  178.307Markets, Firms and Consumers15 市场,公司和客户

  178.350International Economics15 国际经济学

  178.360Natural Resource and Environmental Economics15 自然资源和环境经济学

  178.370Development Economics15 发展经济学

  178.380Applied Econometrics15 应用计量经济学

  Entrepreneurship and Small Business (120 credits) 企业家精神和小企业

  (a) Compulsory papers (75 credits): 必修课

  152.230Entrepreneurship15 企业家精神

  152.232Small Business Management15 小企业管理

  152.330Enterprise Development15 企业发展

  152.333New Venture Project15 新风投项目

  152.334Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship15 创新,创意和企业家精神

  (b) Elective papers (30 credits): 选修课

  152.200Contemporary Management15 现代管理

  152.252Project Management15 项目管理

  152.261International Business15 国际商务

  (c) Elective papers (15 credits): 选修课

  152.336Leadership15 领导力

  152.392Environmental Management for Business15 商业环境管理

  Finance (120 credits) 金融学

  (a) Compulsory papers (75 credits): 必修课

  125.220Financial Institutions and Markets15 金融机构和市场

  125.230Business Finance15 商业金融

  125.241Introduction to Investments15 投资介绍

  125.330Advanced Business Finance15 高级商业金融

  125.340Investment Analysis15 投资分析

  (b) Elective papers (45 credits): 选修课

  125.250Financial Modelling15 财务建模

  125.320International Finance15 国际金融

  125.350Financial Risk Management15 金融风险管理

  125.364Bank Financial Management15 银行金融管理

  Financial Economics (90 credits) (no new enrolments from 2011) 2011年起不再招生

  Human Resource Management (120 credits) 人力资源管理

  (a) Compulsory papers (105 credits): 必修课

  114.240Organisational Behaviour15 组织行为学

  114.241Managing Human Resources15 管理人力资源

  114.254Managing Employment Relations15 管理雇佣关系

  114.326Human Resource Practices15 人力资源实践

  114.396Strategic Human Resource Management15 战略人力资源管理

  114.330Equity and Diversity in the Workplace15 工作场所的平等和多样性

  114.350Current Issues in Human Resource Management15 人力资源管理的当前话题

  (b) Elective papers (15 credits): 选修课

  114.242Human Resource Development15 人力资源发展

  152.200Contemporary Management15 现代管理

  157.340Organisational Knowledge Management15 组织知识管理

  Information Systems (no new enrolments from 2007) 2007年起不再招生

  International Business (120 credits) 国际商务

  (a) Compulsory papers (90 credits): 必修课

  152.200Contemporary Management15 现代管理

  152.261International Business15 国际商务

  152.264International Supply Chain Management15 国际供应链管理

  152.350Strategic Management and Governance15 战略管治

  152.366Operational Management of International Business15 国际商务操作管理

  219.304Cross-Cultural Communication15 跨文化交流

  (b) Elective 300-level papers (15 credits): 300level 选修

  152.336Leadership15 领导力

  157.340Organisational Knowledge Management15 组织知识管理

  (c) Elective papers (15 credits): 选修课

  152.252Project Management15 项目管理

  152.203Business and Society15 商业和社会

  152.230Entrepreneurship15 企业家精神

  153.204Negotiation Principles15 谈判原则

  Management (120 credits) 管理学

  (a) Compulsory papers (60 credits): 必修课

  152.200Contemporary Management15 现代管理

  152.203Business and Society15 商业和社会

  152.336Leadership15 领导力

  152.350Strategic Management and Governance15 战略管治

  (b) Elective 200-level papers (30 credits): 选修课

  152.252Project Management15 项目管理

  152.261International Business15 国际商务

  152.270Māori Management15

  153.204Negotiation Principles15 谈判原理

  (c) Elective 300-level papers (15 credits): 300level选修课

  152.304Managing Services15 管理服务

  152.333New Venture Project15 新风投项目

  152.360Change Management15 变革管理

  152.370Te Whanaketanga o te Pakihi Māori - Advanced Māori Business Development and Management15

  157.340Organisational Knowledge Management15 组织知识管理

  (d) Elective 300-level papers (15 credits): 300level选修课



  115.388 (30 credits) may be included in lieu of 15 credits from Part (c) and 15 credits from Part (d).

  可能包含115.388 (30 credits),用以代替Part (c)的15学分和Part (d)的15学分。

  Marketing (120 credits)市场营销

  (a) Compulsory papers (60 credits):必修课

  156.231Strategic Marketing Management15 战略市场营销管理

  156.232Consumer Behaviour15 消费者行为学

  156.233Marketing Research15 市场营销研究

  156.334Marketing Consultancy Project15 市场营销咨询项目

  (b) Elective papers (15 credits): 选修课

  156.235Social Media and Digital Marketing15 社交媒体和数字市场营销

  156.237Marketing Communication and Advertising15 营销传播和广告

  156.238Marketing New Products15 营销新产品

  (c) Elective papers (45 credits): 选修课

  156.333Market Analysis15 市场分析

  156.338International Marketing15 国际市场营销

  156.339Retail Marketing15 零售市场营销

  156.340Customer Intelligence15 客户情报

  156.341Branding15 品牌打造

  219.305Public Relations Management15 公共关系管理

  Marketing Communication (90 credits) (no new enrolments from 2012)2012年起不再招生

  Sport Business Management (90 credits) (no new enrolments from 2013)2013年起不再招生

  Valuation and Property Management (120 credits) 评估与资产管理

  Compulsory papers (120 credits):必修课

  127.241Property Market Principles15 房地产市场原理

  127.242introduction to Property Valuation15 资产评估介绍

  127.245Introduction to Property Finance and Investment15 房地产金融和投资介绍

  155.201Law of Property15 物权法

  127.341Property Management and Development15 房地产管理和发展

  127.342Applied Property Finance and Investment15 应用房地产金融和投资

  127.343Applied Property Valuation15 应用房地产评估

  127.378Property Economics15房地产经济学

  Web-Based Information Systems (no new enrolments)不再招生

  Part 3



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