


2017/06/28 04:16:47 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:265 移动端


  Economics personal statement

  Economics is a rigorous discipline to which I find myself intensely attracted. It is inspiring how the formal and analytical nature of Economics can be used to tackle such distinctly organic and complex concepts as welfare relating society; the enmeshing of mathematized "high theory" and "real world" dilemmas that Amartya Sen embraced. Furthermore, an Economics related degree would allow me to explore, in depth, a range of exciting, multidisciplinary topics as diverse as game theory, a subject only hinted at at A Level and which I would love to explore in university, international trade and development studies. An eagerness to venture beyond the A Level syllabus led me to be selected for Economics at Durham University. I was also selected for Physics and Politics &aposMasterclasses&apos due to my aptitude in these subjects.

  I am an avid reader of &aposThe Economist&apos, &aposTime Magazine&apos, and &aposThe Times&apos having an innate interest in the machinations of the wider world. This year I had an opportunity to experience the captivating, society, culture and economic diaspora of Kenya and Italy. Firstly as a member of Africamp 2002, where I worked with the rehabilitation of street children in Nairobi and was part of a team that reached the summit of Mt. Kenya and secondly with a Comenius Italian exchange. The Kenyan expedition in particular was an eye opener; not only because of the truly different lifestyle, but also because of the hardships we had to face and the critical survival skill we had to learn in a short space of time. Also, it formed an integral part of the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award of which I am nearing completion. The experience made me aware of the limitations of the market mechanism and distributive inficiency that leads to severe inequality, yet also how Economics can help to alleviate the poverty in such countries, for example, through microcredit loans.

  My choice of AS and A Levels, along with other academic achievements, help consolidate and support my desired degree choice. Economics serves as an introduction to the fundamental role of economic theory in governing the choices of society. Mathematics allows me to explore the techniques of data analysis and develop an abstract mode of thought, as has Kumon Mathematics. Chemistry and AS Physics have helped broaden my depth of logical awareness. It is my interest in logic that initiated me to take AS Critical Thinking, working mainly independently due to timetable conflicts, and I am currently enjoying studying argument structures and types.

  Outside of academia, I have a great passion for the arts; a love of literature and poetry: my collection is published online (www.naz.b3.nu) and a selection have been internationally published in the &aposLetters From The Soul&apos anthology and &aposThe Sound of Poetry&apos audio CD. I am also a performing and administrative member of Navrang Arts, a nationally renowned Indian Folk Dance troupe, as well as of Egglescliffe Youth Theatre. Sport is equally important to me: I have played at the club and tournament level in tennis and additionally at county level in badminton. Currently, I am looking forward to gaining a coaching qualification in badminton as well as running the Great North Run next year having run the Junior Great North Run in the past years.

  Active participation in school life has been rewarding, having been Chairman of the School Council, an Editor of a collaborative publication with other partner schools in Europe, worked as a Peer Mentor for Y9 pupils and managed HSBC Schoolbranch. Additonally, I have been managing director of a Young Enterprise company, have represented the school at the RSC Analytical Chemistry Competition, and have been regional semifinalist at the Student Innovation Challenge.

  I have high ambitions, and in the future I hope to be successfully involved in economic policy at a high level. In the coming summer, I would like to gain experience in the professional world, perhaps with an internship at a well renowned firm, prerably in management consultancy or investment banking at Accenture or PWC.

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