您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年英国留学个人陈述心理学专业范文5
Psychology Personal Statement
For a long time now I have been interested in the subject of psychology. The way people behave and why they do certain things has always fascinated me and after thoroughly enjoying studying the subject at A level I would like to continue to further my knowledge and study psychology at a higher level.
The A levels I currently study include maths statistics and Philosophy and ethics. Maths statistics will be advantageous to me whilst studying degree level psychology, especially when studying area&aposs such as research methods. Studying Philosophy and ethics also has its advantages in psychology, especially when covering the ethical issues raised when conducting psychological experiments. I recently attended a Maths masterclass at Newcastle University which has given me an insight into what university life will be like, and has further reassured me that attending university is the right decision for me.
I am part of the peer mentoring team at school. This is an anonymous service where the pupils at school can email us with their problems and I get great satisfaction from knowing that I have helped people. Working with a range of different people and problems has helped me to gain insight into how people work and I am eager to learn more about the easiest and most ficient ways of dealing with these problems. It has helped to develop my communication skills, through dealing with a range of different people. This experience has helped me to decide that I would particularly like to study psychology with counselling, as I feel that I would thoroughly enjoy the challenge and the satisfaction gained from a career in this area.
I recently completed a week of work experience at the local playgroup where I worked with children aged 2-4. This enabled me to witness firsthand some of the issues covered in the day care section of the attachment module in AS psychology, particularly the way in which children develop socially. I thoroughly enjoyed working with these children and was delighted when the leader of the playgroup asked me to return to do voluntary work during my free mornings. I now currently assist the children with ICT skills one morning a week. Additionally I am currently organising voluntary work at a local care home for the elderly as I believe working with people from a range of age groups will be benicial.
My part time job at McDonalds where I work 18-25 hours a week has helped to build my confidence and my communication skills as I am constantly in contact with customers and colleagues. It has also helped me to develop my time management skills as I have always kept up to date with my school work. It also developed my ability to work quickly and ficiently when under pressure, and I believe that I have the ability to successfully multi-task.
In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my friends. I regularly attend music concerts and go to the cinema with them. I am a member at the local leisure centre where I often go to the gym and occasionally go swimming to keep myself fit.
I am looking forward to beginning the challenge of university life. It is an exciting opportunity and I believe that studying a course in Psychology with Counselling is the first step towards my chosen future career as a Counselling Psychologist.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲