


2017/06/28 04:09:52 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:251 移动端


  Medicine personal statement

  For me, a career in medicine is the perfect opportunity to stimulate my mind in a fascinating field in which I am highly motivated to succeed. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to be able to combine my caring personality with the practical aspects of the subject, and so have a major impact on people&aposs lives. The prospect of life-long learning in a subject for which I have such an affinity excites me.

  I thoroughly enjoy studying A-level Biology and Chemistry and my intellectual curiosity ensures I stay well ahead of the syllabus. For example, I was recently intrigued by an article on developments in cancer treatment, discussing how antibodies can be engineered to bind to specific antigens on the surface of cancer cells, allowing attached drugs to be delivered directly to tumours, and was inspired to do further research.

  More inspiration to choose medicine came from participating in the Access to Medicine Course at King&aposs College London and attending lectures given by top practitioners. A lecture on Cardiac Diseases was particularly relevant as my father suffers from angina and this prompted me to do further research into the subject.

  My commitment to study medicine was reinforced by a work experience placement at Princess Royal University Hospital in Orpington, which provided a valuable perspective on the challenges of the profession. As I spent time in the A&E department shadowing the doctors in minors, majors and resuscitation, I gained valuable insight into the roles of both junior doctors and senior consultants. As well as helping me to appreciate the emotional and physical stresses doctors are faced with daily, I saw the rewards of being able to have such a significant impact on patients&apos lives. As I witnessed consultations, I learned the importance of a good bedside manner, as well as the crucial role of empathy and good communication with both patients and other members of staff.

  I currently volunteer at a social gathering for the elderly at my local church, which has been a great opportunity to serve the elderly members. Briending them and ensuring they have a good time is very rewarding. I also regularly volunteer as part of the &aposWelcome Team&apos, where a friendly personality and good communication skills are essential when welcoming guests. Good team work is also crucial to the smooth running of the meetings.

  The residential science Summer School at Imperial College was a fantastic experience. Leading a project team required me to be proactive in planning, organising and making decisions to complete our project on time. We achieved a Silver B.A. Crest award for our &aposGreen Power&apos project and I was thrilled to receive the "Most Likely to be a Mentor Award" from the mentors.

  Travelling widely in India has been a great experience of life beyond my immediate environment. I attended an international boarding school (Hebron) for 3 years, which enabled me to experience a diverse range of cultures and develop independence and responsibility. Returning to the U.K. half way through Year 10 was a challenging experience, having to make friends and catch up on missed work. Hard work and determination, however, resulted in good GCSE grades and election as a prect by students and staff.

  I am a keen table tennis player and play regularly at a local club as well as with my friends and family. I organise a table tennis club for the sixth form as well as an after school club where I offer coaching to beginners. This has not only been of huge enjoyment but has also helped me develop my organisational and leadership skills. I also captained the football and hockey teams at Hebron for two years.

  Essentially, I feel I have gained a realistic appreciation of the challenges, both emotional and physical, involved in pursuing a career in medicine, but believe that my experiences have given me the motivation and commitment to withstand such trials and enable me to succeed as a valuable member of the developing medical field.

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