


2017/06/28 04:09:42 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:234 移动端


  Medicine Personal Statement

  Living in two different countries has been a blessing, but not without its challenges; I have spent most of my life in either the United Kingdom or the XXXXXXXXXX. The contrasts in culture and lifestyle have been pivotal in making me the person I am today, giving me a more informed view of the World and its diversity. My experiences abroad have allowed me to relate to different people with ease, which will assist me significantly when I become a medical doctor.

  Eager to familiarise myself with a clinical environment, I participated in shadowing at a private clinic for a few months. I observed the departments of Radiology, Laboratory, Dermatology, ENT, Ophthalmology, Physiology and the Pharmacy, whilst also taking the opportunity to converse with the doctors and nurses regarding a medical career. The placement enabled me to witness the importance of fective communication and trust in the patient-doctor relationship, as well as the level of cooperation within the medical team. Alongside this invaluable experience, I also completed a First-Aid course, which has given me confidence in treating minor injuries, burns and implementing CPR during emergencies.

  Medicine is a humanitarian-based science, and I believe that such an interpersonal and rewarding career is the one for me. To apply this ethos, I am volunteering at the Autistic Unit of the XXXXXXXX Centre, a special-needs school for children founded by XXXXXXXXX. I currently work with a small group of children, and assist the teacher in improving their motor skills, co-ordination and language proficiency through both individual and group activities. The position has given me an insight into the innate level of care and dedication required to nurture those with developmental disorders, and how lasting progress can only be achieved through patience. I thoroughly enjoy being with them, and I hope my contributions to the centre will make a profound difference in the childrens lives.

  During my gap year, I am also working as a science technician at my previous school, as well as home-tutoring secondary-school students. These part-time roles have given me the opportunity to earn and motivate those I assist to improve themselves.

  My choices at A-Level rlect the skills that I believe are vital for studying medicine. Biology, Chemistry and Physics all enhanced both my knowledge and appreciation of science, whilst Mathematics allowed me to practice problem-solving with a logical approach, and Applied ICT improved my proficiency with computer-based systems. Whilst studying in school, I took part in the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award, where our expedition took us to XXXXXXXX. By being responsible for our group during the outdoor excursions, the expedition allowed me to develop my team-building and communication skills, as well as reaffirming my enthusiasm for the outdoors. I had also participated in a 5-aside football Charity Cup by placing a team in the tournament. As the captain, I was responsible for the team&aposs performance, arranging training sessions and raising the team&aposs spirits; an experience which greatly enhanced my leadership and organisational skills.

  My main sporting passions are Taekwondo and swimming; I currently hold a red belt (second-highest ranking) after 6 years of training, and have entered various tournaments with the squads. However, I also enjoy playing football, tennis and weightlifting, and I will continue to develop these interests in university.

  I am determined to fulfil my ambition to become a medical doctor; throughout the past few years, this deep-seated aspiration has only strengthened with time. My dedication towards helping others will guide me through the life-long acquisition of knowledge and experience. Through compassion and diligence, I will strive to make a valued contribution to both society and the medical profession itself.

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