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medicine personal statement
Growing up in a developing country during a war, I have been through a lot. Having spent most of my childhood in hospital, being treated for severe injuries. I have come to realize how incredibly complex and vulnerable the human body is. The human anatomy first inspired me at an early age. Even then, I was fascinated by the extreme complexity and sensitivity of the human body. As child I was curious, enthusiastic and full of questions, I wanted to know everything about the ‘’amazing machine’’. This was (inspired me to do) one of the main reasons I did my issue report on FOP, one of the rarest and most intriguing diseases as medical interaction can (kick off)be kick-start of new flare ups, eventually the patient’s organs become prisoned within their own skeleton and they may die.(suffocate)
Being a General Surgeon, my father has also been a great inspiration to me. A great role model, he made me aware of the physical, social, emotional and educational (academic) demands of a medical career. Caring for my family and my mother who suffers from severe chronic foot pain and depression, made me realize how stressful times trigger many negative feelings. Being able to sustain a positive family life, care for my ill mother, study for college and carry out my part time work has made me keen to want to help others who suffer most.
(To further my insight into medical field I have taken several step from an early age)In order to achieve this I have taken several steps. At the age of 16, I started working for a company called xxxxx during the summer holidays, where my duties included: going to hospitals and care homes to gather clothes for washing. Having gained some valuable experience, I then began working as technical assistant for xxxx. I received excellent guidance, so much so that after only two weeks I was responsible for the oxygen tubes and reducing valves supplied to hospitals and care homes.
To further my insight into medical field, I arranged a volunteering job in for three weeks, where my first week was spent at xxxx University with medical students. I spent( the remainder of my time) the second and third week at the xxxx hospital where I was shown how to do X-rays, draw blood for analysis and simple suturing techniques. ( I was able to get close to patients helping and caring for them where I could such as bringing them their lunch, empathizing helping them with their medication this included tablet and sometimes serums) I was also involved in helping patients to take their medication, this included tablets, injections and serums. It was a challenging task as the majority of patients were illiterate, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the progress of patients everyday and found the experience rewarding. I spent the remainder of my time at the orthopedic centre where I closely observed a leg amputation. I learnt the importance of team work and realized the amount of pressure on the doctors to make quick decision in order to save lives.
Being actively involved with elderly patients, medical students and doctors (were very rewarding) as I have greatly enhanced my communication skills and also strengthened my ambition to becoming a doctor. I am currently also volunteering for St John’s Ambulance, where I treat patients with small injuries such as bruises to unconscious, non breathing and injured patients at event.
Having done some volunteering as well as paid jobs in different countries, To increase my understanding, experience ( and to keep up to date) about the medical field in Britain, I have arranged a work experience placement on the 9th November 2009 and a long term volunteering position at the orthopedic centre. Here, I hope to gain more experience and expand management skills, communication skills, and time-keeping skills.
Beside my education and part time work, I have always enjoyed being active in the community. In 2005, a friend and I organized a committee to teach religion lesson once a week. We also organized local trips and sport activities. It was not only the kids that enjoyed but the entire village loved our trips! Also I have been a member of football club RKVVO from 2002-2007, where I trained twice a week and played against the clubs all over the county. I have been the top scorer in the last two seasons. Being involved with different age groups from different backgrounds I have gained communicational, organizational and leadership skills which are crucial in order to succeed as a doctor. My skills were recognized when I was chosen along with other team mate to train young pupils
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲