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  ·Data form, essays and resume

  ·Academic transcripts from all colleges, universities and professional schools attended

  ·Official results from the GMAT and TOEFL, if applicable

  ·Two (2) Career Progress Survey reports from individuals able to evaluate job performance, one prerably your current manager

  ·Honor Code

  ·$250 application fee

  ·Interview request, made either by submitting Part I of the Kellogg application (for off-campus interviews) or by calling the Office of Admissions to schedule an on-campus interview after submitting Part 1 of the application. NOTE: Chicago-area applicants must interview off campus unless applying to the JD-MBA program.



  Seeking a broad understanding of marketing. It is appropriate for students planning careers in areas such as management consulting and general management.

  Marketing management

  Planning careers in marketing. As with the Marketing major, courses expose students to the major concepts and tools that serve as the foundation for the theory and practice of modern marketing. The Marketing Management major requires a greater breadth of understanding of the concepts and tools and a greater depth of understanding of their application. This major is particularly suited for careers in industries such as packaged goods, high tech, e-commerce, entrepreneurship, business marketing, consulting, retailing, sales management and marketing research.


  · Marketing Management 市场营销管理  · Research Methods in Marketing 市场研究方法  · Marketing Channel Strategies 市场渠道策略

  · Consumer Insight Tools 消费者观察工具  · Business Marketing 商业市场营销  · Advertising Strategy 广告策略  · Models of Consumer Behavior 消费者行为模型

  · Services Marketing and Management 市场服务与管理  · Sales Promotion and Retailer Behavior 销售推广和零售行为  · Sales Force Management 销售人员管理

  · The Management of Product Development (1/2 unit course) 产品开发管理  · Introduction of New Products and Services 新产品与服务介绍

  · Marketing Strategy 市场策略  · Technology Marketing 技术市场营销  · Independent Study 独立学习  · Internet Marketing 网络营销

  · Advanced Topics in Marketing 市场营销前沿主题  · Sports Marketing 体育市场营销  · Strategic Data-Driven Marketing 战略性数据驱动市场营销

  · Information & Technology Based Marketing 信息技术市场营销  · Biomedical Marketing (formerly BIOT-914) 生物医学市场营销  · International Marketing 国际市场营销

  · Media and Integrated Marketing 媒体与整合营销  · Analytical Marketing and Customer 分析市场与消费者  · Relationship Management 关系管理







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