


2017/06/26 14:38:33 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:409 移动端




  收到移民局的正常邮件,通知今年的移民法修改草案已经出台,下一步要正式提交上议院,女王签发,如无特殊情况, 2017年3月英国移最新移民法修改草案,精准版解读!学生签证,企业家移民大变动!






  2.1. The purpose of these changes is to:

  • Implement the second of two phases of changes to Tier 2, announced by the Government on 24 March 2016 following a review by the independent Migration Advisory Committee.

  • Extend the overseas criminal record certificate requirement to Tier 2 migrants coming to work in education, health and social care sectors and to their adult dependants.





  7.3. The requirement to provide an overseas criminal record certificate as part of an entry clearance application was introduced for Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) and Tier 1 (Investor) migrants on 1 September 2015.

  We are making changes to Part 6A and Part 8 of the Immigration Rules to insert this requirement into the relevant eligibility provisions, as well as to extend the requirement to provide a criminal record certificate to Tier 2 (General) migrants who are intending to work in education, health and social care sectors and to their adult dependants.

  The extension of this requirement will strengthen safeguards against those with a criminal history seeking to come to the UK. As the requirement will now be set out in Part 6A and Part 8, we are deleting paragraph 320(2A).



  • An amendment to provide a clearer dinition of “invested” funds;

  • Removing rerences to HM Revenue & Customs documentation which has been discontinued in light of self-assessment of self-employed earnings;

  • Clarifying the evidential requirements for applicants who have invested in a Limited Liability Partnership;

  • Revising the specified evidence required to demonstrate that an entrepreneur’s employee has settled status in the UK (to satisfy the requirement for the applicant to create jobs for settled workers);

  • Clarifying the specified evidence on job creation, so that an applicant can provide confirmation from an accountant that their business did not employ any workers prior to their involvement.




  2, 取消了一些过时的的关于税务方面的文件,特别是在自雇收入方面的说明;


  4,修改了关于认定就业机会创造中,关于已经定居人士的身份证明文件的说明;(进一步说明如何证明你雇佣的是本土人士settled person status)

  5, 进一步解释定义了在工作机会的产生时候,证明方面的进一步证据要求, 会计需要出具确认信证明在投资或者参商业行为之前,没有已有工作岗位(产生的岗位全部是新增岗位)


  Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)

  7.8. The Immigration Rules are being amended, so in the event of there being remaining places in the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) limit after the initial round of allocations, the Secretary of State may allocate additional places to endorsing bodies by ad hoc request throughout the remainder of the year, rather than at a fixed point in the autumn (30 September).




  7.15. The following changes are being made following the review of Tier 2 by the MAC: The following changes are being made following the review of Tier 2 by the MAC:

  • The salary threshold for experienced workers is being increased to £30,000 for the majority of new applicants. The salary threshold for new entrants remains at £20,800.

  • Changes are being made to support posts associated with the relocation of a high value business to the UK or a significant new inward investment project, where the sponsor is a newly-registered (within the last 3 years) branch or subsidiary of an overseas business and the investment involves new capital expenditure of £27 million or the creation of at least 21 new UK jobs. Sponsors in such cases will be exempt from carrying out a Resident Labour Market Test and from the requirement to assign a restricted Certificate of Sponsorship under the Tier 2 (General) limit.

  • Tier 4 Students must have satisfied certain study requirements during their continuous stay in the UK to switch into Tier 2 (General) in the UK.





  The following changes are being made in Tier 4:

  • Tier 4 students who have work rights are limited in the number of hours they may work per week. An amendment is being made to set out a dinition of a week, in order to ensure clarity for students, employers and sponsors.

  • An amendment is being made to clarify that only where an applicant is being sponsored wholly by a Government or international scholarship agency by means of an award which covers both fees and maintenance must they provide the unconditional written consent of the sponsoring Government or agency to the application, and the specified documents set out in paragraph 245A.

  • Under Tier 4 (General), if the course is below degree level, the grant of entry clearance or leave must not lead to the applicant having been granted more than 2 years in the UK as a Tier 4 migrant since the age of 18 to study courses that did not consist of degree level study.

  • Tier 4 (Child) applicants and Tier 4 (General) applicants who are under the age of 18 must provide confirmation from a parent or guardian that they consent to the arrangements for the child’s travel to, and reception and care in the UK.

  An amendment is being made to require evidence of the relationship between the applicant and the person providing consent.

  • An amendment is being made to correct a typographical error in paragraph 245ZX(c), making clear that the applicant must have a minimum of 30 points under paragraphs 113 to 120 and 120A of Appendix A.

  • An amendment is being made to clarify the rules in relation to how soon an applicant seeking to study in the UK after a period of overstaying must commence their new course, to ensure consistency with wider rule changes that came into fect in November 2016.

  • Under the Tier 4 (General) route, sponsors may only sponsor migrants to undertake courses that meet certain academic standards. An amendment is being made to allow sponsors who have Probationary Sponsor status to sponsor applicants to undertake courses at a lower level where the applicants are under the age of 18.

  An amendment is being made to simplify the language when rerring to an applicant’s valid passport.

  Under Tier 4 (General), loan funds for maintenance purposes must be made available to the applicant bore they travel to the UK.

  An amendment is being made to allow loan funds to be paid directly to the educational institution in the UK with the living costs portion of the loan released to the applicant bore or on arrival in the UK.

  This change is being made because loans paid directly to educational institutions are deemed to provide sufficient security and evidence that the student has the requisite means to support themselves while studying in the UK.

  • Where an applicant within the Tier 4 (Child) route has a younger sibling who is being accompanied by their parent(s) on the Parent of a Tier 4 (Child) route, an amendment is being made to provide for the applicant to show maintenance on the basis that they will reside with their parent(s).






  The Rules are amended to delete the dinition of ‘continuous’ inserted by HC667 of 3 November 2016, for the purposes of the residence requirements applied to family members of relevant Points-Based System migrants applying for settlement.


  请注意: 加洲阳光的判断和观点是:


  更改的是: 删除“continuous”这个造成很多不同解释,容易引起歧义的定义说明。


  8.2. At end of paragraph 319E(d)(ii), delete: “In this sub-paragraph “continuous” means an unbroken period and for this purpose a period shall not be considered to have been broken in any of the circumstances set out in paragraph 245AAA(a)(i) to (iii).”. 在移民法条款第319E(d)(ii)条款中删除:“在本条款中,”连续“是指任意不间断的期间,为此目的,任何期间不得视为已被破坏

  第245AAA(a)(i)至(iii). 简单而言,这句被删除的话应该理解为是对这个单词的一个解释 (continuous)。


  319E. Requirements for indinite leave to remain


  245AAA.General requirements for indinite leave to remain




  关于这次的修改条例,其实仍然存在一些不清楚的法律细节,特别是在于居住时间的连续性问题上。 但是,根据以往一贯的做法,内政部对于不清楚,容易引起争论的法律条文会逐渐做出更新的解释。 相信随着更多的配偶签证,特别是到了2017年7月9号(2012年7月9日满5年)后会更加清楚。



  2018年飞跃计划 错过这次等一年

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