您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 墨尔本大学奖学金的种类及申请情况
DELWP多元化和包容性奖学金申请条件是什么呢?今天小编就来为同学们说说墨大的奖学金申请条件,如果有准备去申请墨尔本大学的同学可以对以下的内容进行详细的了解,希望能够对你们有所帮助。 Introducing the DELWP Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Medley Hall and the University of Melbourne have partnered together to introduce the DELWP Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship. This opportunity is available to students commencing the Bachelor of Design in the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning from 2017 onwards. The DELWP Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship aims to support the diversification of our student cohort and, consequently, of future urban planning professionals entering the workforce who will go on to shape our urban environment. The best way to facilitate a robust and inclusive urban planning agenda and future for Victoria is to ensure that the planners themselves are from diverse backgrounds. DELWP多元化和包容性奖学金简介 环境、土壤、水与规划部(DELWP)、梅德利霍尔和墨尔本大学共同合作,设立了DELWP多元化和包容性奖学金。从2017年开始,该奖学金将颁发给新入学的建筑专业、建筑艺术专业和规划专业的设计学学士。 该DELWP多元化和包容性奖学金旨在支持墨尔本大学的学生群体的多样化,从而使未来的城市规划专业人员进入城市的劳动力大军,他们将继续塑造我们的城市环境。为维多利亚提供一个强有力的包容性的城市规划议程和未来的最佳方法是确保规划者本身来自不同的背景。 Benits The scholarship will support two students per year for the duration of their undergraduate study within the Bachelor of Design. Each student will receive $6,350 per annum for three years of the course at full time equivalent. Significantly subsidised accommodation at Medley Hall will also be offered as part of the scholarship (the total discounted amount is dependent on a financial assessment under Medley Hall’s entry requirements). 奖学金的福利 该奖学金每年将资助两名学生在设计学士学位期间的本科学习。每名学生将在为期3年的课程中获得金额为6350美元的奖励。部分奖学金将用来作为在梅德利学生宿舍住宿的大额津贴。(根据梅德利学生宿舍入学条件下的财政评估来确定总的折扣幅度)。 Eligibility Applicants from an Indigenous Australian background are strongly encouraged to apply, as are students from disadvantaged financial backgrounds and/or students who have lived in (and for year 12 students, also completed secondary school in) regional Victoria or growth areas of Melbourne. To be eligible you must: • Have applied or intend to apply for the Bachelor of Design through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC), with a view to majoring in Urban Planning, and Be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or Australian permanent resident or holder of a permanent humanitarian visa. Notes about eligibility: • Indigenous Australian applicants will be contacted by Murrup Barak, the Melbourne Institute for Indigenous Development. • You will be considered to be of disadvantaged financial background if you can supply one of the following: • Proof of a means-tested Commonwealth income support payment (such as Austudy, ABSTUDY, Youth Allowance etc), or • Proof that your parents are in receipt of Family Tax Benit A, or • A personal statement explaining how your disadvantaged financial background has affected you. • Areas that are considered to be growth areas of Melbourne are dined by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning as belonging to growth area municipalities including Cardinia Shire, City of Casey, City of Hume, Melton Shire, Mitchell Shire, Whittlesea City and Wyndham City. 申请资格 资格 强烈鼓励澳洲本国背景的学生申请该奖学金,或者经济条件很差的学生和/或居住或成长在墨尔本维多利亚地区的12年级学生。 你具备以下条件才符合申请资格: 已经申请或打算申请维多利亚高等教育考试(VTAC)的设计学士学位,并考虑就读城市规划专业的申请者。除此之外,澳大利亚公民、新西兰本土公民、澳大利亚永久居民或永久签证持有者的申请者也具有资格。 有关申请资格的说明: •Murrup Barak是墨尔本原住民发展协会,澳大利亚本国申请人可联系Murrup Barak。 •你需要提供以下说明来证明你的贫困背景(其中一项即可): •通过英联邦收入的测试方法计算出的收入用作支出(例如澳大利亚学习补助金、澳大利亚本国学习补助金、青年津贴等等)的证明 •你的父母享受家庭税收福利的优惠政策的证明。 •个人陈述,说明你的贫穷金融背景如何对你产生了影响的证明。 •墨尔本经济增长地区的地区是由环境、土地、水和规划部门定义的,包括卡西尼亚郡、凯西市、休姆市 、 梅尔顿郡、米切尔夏尔市、惠特勒 西市 和温德姆市。 Application Process Application deadline to qualify for a Semester 2, 2017 scholarship: June 9, 2017 1. Applicants must have applied for the Bachelor of Design at the University of Melbourne via VTAC. 2. Applicants must next complete the scholarship application form which includes a short written task, via the button below. Applicants must provide supporting documentation with their application form, as indicated. 3. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview in early July 2017. 4. Successful candidates for the Semester 2, 2017 intake will be notified by mid-July 2017. Successful candidates will be selected based on a combination of their academic merit, their short written task and interview. Please note: VTAC course applications for Semester 2, 2017 close at 5pm on Friday June 9, 2017. 申请流程 2017年第二学期的奖学金申请截止日期为:2017年6月9日 1、申请者必须通过在墨尔本大学的维多利亚高等教育中心的设计学士学位考试。 2。申请者必须接下来填写完整的奖学金申请表,其中包括一份简短的书面作业,通过下面的按钮(参考英文)。如所示,申请人必须提供其申请表上的证明文件。 3、我们将于2017年7月上旬联系候选名单上面的候选人进行面试。 4、2017年第二学期入学的获得者我们会在2017年7月中旬通知您。 5、获得者的选拔结果由申请者学术成就、简短的书面作业和面试情况共同决定。
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