

雅思口语超重点话题讲解 ---- Visitors to your home

2017/06/21 08:10:31 编辑: 浏览次数:214 移动端


1. Do you like visitors coming to your home?.

2. How often do you have visitors to your home?

3. When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality?

4. Do you bring gifts when you visit others?

Guidelines for visitors :

Give advanced call

remove their shoes at the door of their home and usually put on slippers to walk around the house.


Do you like visitors coming to your home?.

Yes, dinitely I like visitors coming to our home. It is a pleasure having a visitor because it only means that your visitor likes you. However, I don t like people coming unannounced. that is so rude. What if I was busy, or walking out the door, or my house was a mess? it doesn t hurt to call first.

ECHO叨叨:coming unannounced 不打招呼就来呦可不要这样,what if句型熟练加分棒棒哒,it doesn t hurt to do sth 。

How often do you have visitors to your home?

I usually get the real visitors about twice a week. They are my friends who come in and have tea. but as for the random door to door sales trying to sell what they have. its often.

ECHO叨叨:real visitors 和 random visitors分开讲。

When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality?

1. Arrive early to make sure everything is ready for their arrival

2. For example if the visitor is Chinese, we will prepare some green tea, a new pair of slippers to change into bore stepping into the house. If the visitor is an American, the host might offer coffee, knife and fork.

3. When the person arrives, offer to take his/her coat and hang it up somewhere. Then offer something to drink. Then find somewhere to sit! Some people like to show visitors the house/apartment, but if you don't want people to see your private rooms, that's fine.

ECHO叨叨:hospitality 需注意, 礼节要点主人要记牢。

Do you bring gifts when you visit others?

Yes, I think flowers will be fine, just avoid red roses. Other possibilities would be a house plant, a DVD, a CD or a book. Actually I think it is a good manner to bring gifts when visiting others.

ECHO叨叨:Gifts can overcome the barriers of culture and language diversity, 送中国人送歪果仁大家都喜欢,Echo也不例外。

今天的Visitors to your home 的话题到这儿结束了,ECHO约你下期见~

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